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Posts posted by nutleygirl

  1. Do you have a price range?

    My recommendations would be:

    - Pappardelle with lamb ragu at Gradisca (13th between 6th and 7th)

    - Pappardelle bolognese at Babbo (Waverly and MacDougal)

    - Pappardelle with duck ragu at Paola's (84th between 2nd and 3rd)

    Happy hunting!  :biggrin:

    thanks for the suggestions, since it is "big" anniversary, we're ready to splash out, so no real budget in mind.

  2. Pappardelle with what?  Somewhat wide fresh strand pasta is an awfully broad category.

    well, I gotta say, it could be with anything. I would like a great not too tomatoey meat sauce if possible. Something along the lines of a Bolognese would be good. But then again seafood is all right too. For me it's all about the pasta.

  3. I have pappardelle on my mind, and won't be happy until I can get the best plate around. It will be a special occasion for hubby and I soon, so I would like to try and satisfy my craving, as well enjoy a great meal. Any suggestions, we are in Essex County, but will travel to NYC. Thanks!

  4. My daughter has just discovered gyros and loves them! We had them for the first time at the Nevada diner in Bloomfield. We are now ready to move and try a different place. Any suggestions for gyros in the Essex, Passaic, Bergen or Hudson areas?

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