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  1. I don't know if I'd go out of my way for the buffet there... ← for the record, it was brunch... <3, k
  2. On an idle Sunday a few weeks back, we pigged out at the River Rock Casino buffet. We didn't eat for the rest of the day, it was rather inexpensive, and all things considered, the food wasn't half bad. AND you can try and win your money back! http://www.greatcanadiancasinos.com/riverrock/buffet.html k
  3. Meee-ow! k.
  4. I went to La Casita in Gastown the other day and it was excellent. Particular faves are the Tortilla Soup and the Floutas. Everyone I know who've been have become converts. Nice little bar area too, and the food is quite authentic. Not quite as authentic as Tacos Mexico Rico/Sabroso, but since the former are liscenced and the latter are not, I'll be returning to La Casita first... k
  5. I'm with Andrew, that's some damn good comedy right there. k
  6. Thanks! That's an awesome response and here's hopin' you get well soon! (Stellar's Jay helps...) <3, k
  7. Hi Laura, As someone who's had many Pan-o-Pan wares over the years, and adding a disclosure of them being personal/professional pals, here's my take: ~ Like you said, it's tough to remember to think to thaw something out hours before it's meant to be eaten, particularly when you're not well. I don't think their food is meant to sustain a sole person for days on end. It's more of a place to go when you're entertaining or responsible for providing a certain element of food at a social event. In that manner, I don't think it's a stretch to start thinking of things a few hours before, hence becoming a non-issue. ~ You seem quite concerned of the bright pink colour of the beet and goat cheese cream. Um, you know how purple and inky the colour and residue of beets can be, yeah? Is it not a simple equation to realize that the addition of white (goat cheese) would result in a bright pink colour? I'm mildly baffled at your perplexity of it. ~ No, there's not a "lot of vegetables in the store". That's simply not what they do. It's easy enough to go a door or two down (or anywhere) and pick up some greens, etc., probably for a lot cheaper than what they would have to charge. They have a specific focus in their business, and being a General Store isn't one of them. Maybe my back's up because I feel they're hard workers who do a good job. Maybe it's because I consider them friends. Either way, I just felt it necessary to clarify the target of some of your perceptions. And since you know I love you, I'm sure you understand, k.
  8. So is it a given that Whole Foods did them in? I know it's a tempting hypothesis, but do you know this to be fact? k
  9. Provence has a program, and I find that most restaurants will do take out if you call at reasonable times. k
  10. ~ We went to Yuji's after the Wine Fest and it was incredible. Nice little wine list, comfy vibe and the food was inexpensive and awesome. The Boiled Chicken Salad, Kiwi Rolls and Tuna Trio were our favourites. So lively and fun there! ~ Kitsilano Restaurant or "Kit's Cafe" to locals for an early afternoon breakfast. For $3.95, it's the best deal around with eggs, bacon, good hash and great thick-cut toast for sopping up eggs. ~ Nat's Pizza for Chorizo Mushroom, Pesto Artichoke & the always-necessary Margarita. I brought some in for the kitchen boys today. Good, rustic thin-crust pie... k
  11. I don't think that's set in stone yet. They've only had the first public forum on it with at least three more scheduled. My initial instinct is to go for it, but: a) I don't live around there. and b) I've not done the proper research to be fully aware of the pros and cons. Info here & here... k.
  12. I've always thought Sherwood had a nice rack... k.
  13. A more appropriate concept, for one! k
  14. As has been lamented before, it's a snippy, insulting form of writing that is not found elsewhere in the Globe. The schadenfreude thing. Keep in mind that many critics, colleagues and customers have had absolutely wonderful experiences. For someone to suddenly have such a harrowing time is somewhat suspect to say the least. Also keep in mind that there are two sides to every story. Some people can be quite difficult to serve. Some can have personal/professional vendettas. There are many elements that may or may not be involved. As a discloure, Habit are very good friends of ours. Part of the reason we get along so well is because they are very nice, professional people and good at what they do. Honourable colleagues who the respected food media have all spoken well of. Period. k. >Edited to add that the "two sides to every story" comment isn't Gill-specific. Most critics are difficult to serve, servers walking a fine line between fawning, nerves, big expectations and the feeling of possible impending doom
  15. Looks like Andrew writes about <ahem> Century in Waiterblog today. Best of luck, boys! k
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