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Posts posted by stonesoup

  1. I've had similar experiences in cookware stores in Toronto, not to mention the treatment at the 'cookbook' shop (talk about a clerk who condescends and doesn't help!!!) ... thank goodness for Amazon.

    'A Cook's Place' on Danforth at Logan is an exceptional store. Staff are interested, friendly, informed and happy to provide advice. They also have great stock, including tons of quirky (but not gimmicky) tools. The Academy of Culinary Arts on Bayview is another good shop.

    I'm always happy to spend money in stores where I’m well treated!

  2. Grilled cheese is an occasional, and absolute pleasure for me. I like good artisan bread, something with 'unbleached' substance. Gruyere cheese, like all hard cheeses, is usually my first choice.

    Method? I always butter one slice, put the sandwich in the pan and then butter the other side. I cook a single sandwich in a 7" heavy fry pan at low heat (you have to be sure the pan has fully heated) for 3-4 minutes per side. I use the oven timer to rest assured there'll be no trouble.

    Tomato soup is excellent on the side, especially with green pepper corns, or ketchup, the world's most under-rated condiment.

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