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Everything posted by crazycow28

  1. Hi MMerrill, Here is my report about Al Cambio. It refers to the dinner i had the same day we met. It is in italian but there are also pictures: IL GASTRONOMO RILUTTANTE Ciao Ciao Ciccini Riluttanti, Crazycow28
  2. http://forums.egullet.org/index.php?showto...ndpost&p=768163 We also had dinner at Da Amerigo is Savigno several years ago - and spent the night in one of the rooms they rent. The whole experience was delightful - the little town in the hills, wonderful food, and welcoming staff in the restaurant. Also highly recommended! Molly ←
  3. Ciccino Corelli............. Chez Panisse become famous in US and in the world during the early 70ies, for its “alternative” attitude to cuisine of the period, creating a Californian style, although based on French cuisine. In the same period in Italy Marchesi, Santin at Antica Osteria del Ponte, Morini at San Domenico or Paracucchi, were trying to change Italian cuisine without leaving the stiffest French style. In that period restaurants in Italy were “trattorie” that prepared basically home food. In the States fast-food seemed to be the basis. Why Italy, starting in the same period to revolution food & restaurants, has never succeeded to jump in pole-position with its chefs in the International hall of fame of contemporary cuisine? Crazycow28
  4. Ciao Ciao Ciccino Corelli....... Italy is a country rich of extraordinary food products as well as of extraordinary creations that, being “daily” for us, we tend to under-estimate, positioning them at the lowest level of our food system. I’m thinking of pizza, pasta and ice-creams. I think that Italians should be aware of the great value of this gastronomic heritage while this consciousness seems to belong to foreigners . We need education and resources, as it is for all kind of long-term investments. In your opinion, what should we do to give to our gastronomic heritage the place it should deserve in the international media’s consideration? Why most of young, ambitious and creative chefs in the world have included siphon and jelly preparations, following Adria’s experiments and have never tried the challenge of a proper but innovative pasta dish? Crazycow28
  5. Oh! Yeah.....Crazycow28 Super Star!
  6. Ciao Divina Ciccina My restaurant is Osteria dal Minestraio we are in Rastignano, at about 50mt from Bologna's city border. The exact address is via A.Costa 7, ph. nr. is 051/742017. Our specialties are "primi piatti". We propose a tasting menù of 10 different kind of home made pasta (including one soupe and one risotto). The menù is changed every mounth, according to seasonal ingredients. Our cooking style is both traditional (emilia romagna is the home of egg pasta) and creative. The price for the tasting menù is 35€. Ciao Ciao Ciccina Crazycow28
  7. Hi i'm Crazycow28 and i live in Bologna. I would like to know from you where very good tagliatella "Bolognese Style" are served in the Big Apple. P.S. Ruth Reichl, is she still active?! Ciao Ciao Ciccini Crazycow28
  8. Ciao Ciccini riluttanti Tamburini is a old and historic deli shop in bologna, typical trap for tourists. Battibecco restaurant is even a trickier trap. Very expensive. They are awarded with a michelin star, totally unexplicable. If you are interested to discover a young chef, very talented, try il Cambio tel 051/328118. This is a real scoop! If you are driving a car and you like mediterranean creative cuisine don't miss Terre del Riso in Medicina (about 20/25km north of Bologna). Mucca
  9. Hi ciccina divina, I like Madoninna del Pescatore and Moreno Cedroni. I thik is a very special and particolary cusine. The best in Marche. In marche is very good to Simposium 4 Stagioni resturant in Cartoceto city. Cook: Lucio Pompili. Cedroni and Pompili is friendely. Ciao Ciao Ciccina Crazycow28
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