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  1. They got the the big K on the top of their take out menu so I assume they are. And the fries are fresh cut-saw them being done right beind the counter. The platter was super fresh-a little mild but the do have some kickin hot sauce at the condiment table-which was also stocked with (again) fresh slaw and various pickled things This place rocks!
  2. 18/10


    I'll add some fuel to the fire. If only we had a real Montreal bagel... http://www.stviateurbagel.com/index/page/s...19f935f6560e4c3
  3. Just a FYI This Wednesday at Reading Terminal Market is one of their busiest days of the year. Especially in the morning-the crowds with thin in the PM but sometimes the merchants will start closing early. Also-you can get the killer gelato at the Fair Food farmstand-smaller selection though
  4. romantic? how about the 'lounge' in back of the midtown IV on chestnut? hahaha Hey don't knock the midtown IV lounge. Years ago I had a great first date there (It was her suggestion-wanted to see what it was like) We only had one drink because of the stares from the bartender and the regulars. Moved on to the Tank bar-big improvement
  5. 18/10


    Give Yards a call directly. See what they have in stock. If you can make the trip-it is a little farther than the distributors. I don't think it is official company policy but I know a number of people that have had parties and picked up 1/4 key or a carboy at a very reasonable price.
  6. Does it count if I enjoyed my Capogiro at DiBrunos' new Chestnut Street emporium following Pizza Club at Lombardi's? If so, I partook of coconut and chocolate. And it waas reported at Pizza Club that Capogiro is going to open a store in the vicinityh of 19th and Sansom. Psssst---I heard from a little birdy-go up a block--northeast corner-20th and Sansom. mid to late summer.
  7. Was out of town-couldn't do it. Did anyone do the Fair Food benefit at RTM this past weekend?
  8. Standard Tap has a really good brunch. Kid friendly during the day(much lees smoking than at night) and with the bigger 2nd floor and outdoor deck-pretty easy to get a table. Killer bloody marys-though nontraditional-VERY thick-more like runny salsa-but in a good way
  9. i suspected that the place wasn't long for this world--and indeed it closed shortly thereafter. i've driven by recently and the space where troy's was is still unoccupied, if someone wants to reopen it... I be scared to see what condition the space would be in right now-they closed in 1988 or 89. Awesome cheese fries and they would serve beer to anyone who had the $$$. Always a madhouse after the bars closed--and lots of characters hanging out. Greatly missed
  10. Greatly missed from the Poses' empire-Eden. At least 3 locations (ardmore, center city, International house at Penn) Good salads, burgers, stir-fry (remember when those were all the rage?) Preferred the I-house location-for the huge outdoor seating area and because the managers and bartenders were quite "forgetful" about carding for alcohol-which for a minor at that time was a plus. In hindsight I'm still amazed it was open for long-5+years? A policy like now that in the Penn area would last about 15 minutes.
  11. The cut size is a moving target. But for the past 6 months they have been consistently cut on the larger side-every now and then reverting back to the Monk style. When Grace first opened they were using Monks as a commissary(the kitchen in Grace was not finished)--i think they still shuttle some stock back and forth. I like both-as long as they come with the mayo.
  12. Notice a new BYO in Old City-called Bistro 7. Old location of the original Blue In Green (and short lived frozen seafood joint) anyone been?
  13. Thanks to all for the info. Lots of good flashbacks to childhood-however-that gino hero was nasty. I completely forgot they were in cahoots with KFC. Holly should write a book about all of his adventures in the early expansion days of fast food-though I assume those NDA's never expire.
  14. Anyone remember Genos? (or Ginos-can't remember the spelling) Local rival to McDonald's--similar menu. I believe they had a version of the Big Mac called the Genos Giant. I think they had a cool logo as well-the G was kinda like the Phillies P in the 70's. Of course my childhood memories are that it was much better--but I don't trust that. I get a feeling Holly will remember this...I believe he was in that biz at the time
  15. Wonderful review Next time you come to town, a must stop is John's Roast Pork. I have been a big fan (still am) of TLuke's and Dinic's but John's is a life altering experience. A few weeks ago I finally had a taste of their cheesesteak-which was pretty great-no whiz though. One problem is that they are only open M-F 7AM -3pm. I have taken half days off just for this. Holly has it on his site http://www.hollyeats.com/JohnsPork.htm
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