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  1. They opened in November 2014.
  2. Too bad they didn't have that when I went to A&M.
  3. Going to be in Seattle the week of Labor Day and I was wondering if anyone has been recently.
  4. RIP Silver Oak is no more.
  5. Nice write up. I agree with what you said. I didn't by the filet, how was it? I did buy the basil however and had the same results, it died in one day. I went back on Sunday 04/05/09 and the milk gallons are now $2.45. Still a pretty good price.
  6. Thanks, I'll have to check it out. I heard on the radio that the grand opening is today. http://www.discoverfairway.com/Paramus/ edited to add link ←
  7. From Fairway's website March 2009. See the right side of the page 3rd banner down. http://www.discoverfairway.com/ Tour of Paramus Fairway from the same site.
  8. Bummer I wanted to try it but have been too busy with work.
  9. On "Food Talk" on WOR Radio back in mid August Michael Colameco was interviewing Steve Jenkins from Fairway and he said they hope to open a New Jersey location by the first of the year. Show aired on 08/18/08 and should be available for Podcast. Edited for Steve Jenkins' name. Edit Off subject slightly. I just listened to the Podcast and Steve Jenkins said they would be opening in Paramus around the first of the year and that they would be adding stores in Pelham and Queens as well.
  10. That's too bad. I recommend Masa in Allendale for, what I feel, is good, authentic sushi and is definitely Japanese owned. edited for link http://www.masasushiandgrill.com/
  11. Market Basket in Franklin Lakes had advertiesed for the week 04/22/08 - 04/28/08 Prime boneless sirloin steak at $5.99/lb. Some how I don't think at that price it would be USDA Prime but it might be worth checking out. http://www.marketbasket.com/week.htm
  12. I like your thinking
  13. I would second Robert's simply for the location even though I've never eaten there.
  14. Made a big pot of Snert last weekend. Sorry, no pictures but the soup was great.
  15. Frank Bruni will be on Foodtalk with Michael Colameco on WOR 710 AM tomorrow, Friday 12/28/07, at 11:00 AM.
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