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Everything posted by KatieM

  1. Hello Suman, I am very new to this site, and I'm not sure that I can give you a definitive answer. However, my mother is Danish, and we use a LOT of cardamom. It basically goes into anything that is pastry/bread/cookie. For some reason, not so much in cakes, though. The only explanation for this that I can offer, one that my Danish books tell me, is that the Vikings brought spices back with them from their adventures. This would also explain why saffron is reasonably popular. I guess I can only assume that cardamom was the most popular of what they brought back. It's actually quite interesting, because in the Midwest, where I am from, you can find whole cardamom in the Scandinavian baking stores, but here on the East Coast, where I live now, I have to go to Indian shops to find it! Sorry if this isn't more informative. Someone please correct me if I am wrong. I am very curious myself!
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