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Posts posted by GaijinGirl

  1. So, my mother in law is taking me out for my birthday on Sunday. She lives near Randolph (near Morrisdown, Madison, etc.)

    While the Cheesecake Factory is the fallback, I'm a complete and utter exotic food fan.

    I've had almost everything, from natto to durian to tteok bokki, to--well--tons of other stuff. I've got first choice, and was wondering if anyone knew of any really impressive exotic places in the area (ie: not your standard Chinese food, sushi, Mexican or Thai joint) - but someplace with really impressive, hard to find fixins.

    I'm partial to Asian (as per the nickname), but would consider any ethnic cuisine, as long as it's different, and authentic. (Portueguese, Argentinian, Polish, Burmese...basically anything.)

    Thanks in advance!!

    --Janet (GG)

  2. Next week, my husband and I are going to be travelling to the UK - hitting Edinburgh, Manchester and London (with 4 hour flight stop over's in Dublin.)

    Wanted some recommendations for "the best of" casual food. Not looking to get dressed up and fancy, just hit some of the best spots for local favorites (ie: like best fish n' chips or best curry...) (Obviously, the Dublin stop is limited. I'm *hoping* that we might have enough time to go out to a decent pub, as opposed to being stuck in the airport.)

    Thanks in advance...we're really looking forward to this!

    --Janet (GG)

  3. Your husband must be very patient. Either that or you must look like Alicia Silverstone.

    Well, I'm not blonde...but I think I do all right...! :biggrin:

    Veganism aside, thanks for the recs.

    Bigger question, I guess, is: what are the REPRESENTATIVE meals that a traveler should try in each of these countries (ie: England, Scotland and Wales)? I'm not asking that they all be vegan (my husband's not, so he can indulge)...and I rather suspect that a majority of them will be meat based (ie: Haggis, fish n' chips n' stuff...though the chips I can have...) From what I've seen of Wales and lamb dishes, I'll probably be completely out of luck there.

    But I'd love to know what we should be looking to try. (Fancy restaurants are not as important to us as authenticity. We can always eat fancy in Manhattan.)


  4. Well, looks like we'll finally be making a trip to the UK, around May. (We've been talking about it for quite awhile.) On the itinerary is England, Scotland and Wales.

    I'm vegan - my husband is omnivore (where we agree is that we're both extremely adventurous when it comes to the ethnicity of a meal...anything's open for exploration - from Indian, to Iranian, and anywhere in between. And we're indifferent to whether it's street food or restaurant-based...it's the taste that matters.)

    Of course, we're also very interested in meal options local to England, Scotland and Wales, specifically.

    Wanted to ask for recommendations of the best local dishes to try - and the best places to go (preferably nothing that could just as easily be found in NYC, where we're from.)

    I know I'm probably asking for alot, but I'd love any suggestions/input as to what to look for and where to go. I doubt we'll be able to get back anytime soon, so we really want to make the most of it, with the trip and the meals!

    Thanks in advance,

    --Janet (GG)

  5. Just came back from Sripraphai - having actually not visited since before they renovated. Just a few notes, on my observations (for what its worth):

    The food - still great, with complex flavoring, and an authentic level of hotness. (Had the mussels appetizer, followed by shrimp drunken noodles...both good. Though the highlight was still the Yod Thong - due to my sweet tooth.)

    The service...had a few reservations. The atmosphere was great, the place looked beautiful. Too loud - though maybe that's just the price of success and having a packed house. Also, for our party of four, they got the order wrong repeatedly - my husband's meal didn't come out until the rest of us were actually done - and I do believe that they charged us for an extra meal (they tried to put someone else's plate on our table, until we told them that it wasn't ours.) The bill looked off, but since nothing was itemized, we didn't want to wait around long enough to straighten it out, and let it go.)

    Oh - and there was a mystery $1.00 tacked onto the bill - which I think was an actual charge for the doggie bag!

    Absolutely not to take away from the food - which I did enjoy. But its a shame about the rest - and hope its not typical...!

    --Janet (GG)

  6. I've been researching Singaporean food at this point (working on expanding the scope of my GaijinGirl site), and reviewed the Singapore thread on Egullet. From what I've seen, it really does seem as if most of the country's food originated elsewhere. Of course, I've never been there firsthand, so I might be wrong. Anyone know of any food native to Singapore?

    --Thanks, GG (Janet) :biggrin:

  7. I'm currently researching Malaysian food, and will be looking at Singapore and Indonesia next. Big question - is there a significant difference between the cuisines? For instance, are there dishes available in Malaysia that aren't in Singapore or Indonesia and vica versa? Or is it really more a matter of a different flavoring style? I'm curious... thanks!

    --Janet (GG) (Up to my neck in rojak and curry mee right now.....) :rolleyes:

  8. Reporting back:

    Robertos is a very classy restaurant. I can't say that I came out with a "frothing at the mouth, got to go back this instant" impression. But it was nice, and I think that everyone at the dinner enjoyed themselves.

    I, myself, ordered the Bucatini a modo mio - I love chewy, thick pasta (love Korean buckwheat pasta), so it worked for me. One nice thing - it was just the right size of entree. Not too little, and not so much that I left uncomfortably stuffed. Honestly? The highlights of my meal were sundried tomatoes in the appetizer, and the grappa I ordered for dessert. (Had never had it, and enjoyed the taste, which was somewhat reminiscent of undiluted absinthe.) My husband had a lamb special, which came with some sort of seafood cake on the side, which was very nice. My brother in law had a chicken dish which was delicious, as was my sister in laws grilled swordfish.

    Thanks for the info....! --Janet (GG)

  9. Well...actually, voting has completed, and everyone decided on Italian - Robertos, at Arthur Avenue. (I'll report back on that!)

    Re: Congee Village - if we'd gone for Chinese, *I* would have loved CV, but--believe it or not--the inlaws are sensitive enough that if they'd even SEEN frog on the menu, they would have griped through the whole meal. (Dryden, your comment about your sister is DEAD ON with what a good number of my inlaws would do, especially my two sister in laws!)

    My mother in law probably would have not minded (although she wouldn't have ordered it.) In the past, she's willingly gone with us to Nyona, and enjoyed it. They would have liked the decor, though. I personally have only had drinks at Congee Village - great prices, for a Manhattan drink! :smile:

  10. ...but was hoping to get a few good recommendations on a good family restaurant in Chinatown....

    Now - my mother in law is bouncing back and forth between Italian and Chinese. (She's threatened to take everyone to a place in the Paramus Mall for her 75th birthday feast!)

    While me and Chinatown are best of pals, I like exotic. The FAMILY is Irish and somewhat more mellow in their tastes. So what I'm looking for NOW (sorry, guys!!!) is good, decent, real Chinese food - classy enough for a 75 birthday, but with enough "un-weird" options that my in-laws don't freak out. (And yet, I have a chance to enjoy myself, too.)

    I've been researching the options and old posts, and think that Wo Hop or Peking Duck House might be the answer. Or is Wo Hop too 'divey"? (And I know from the old posts to stay away from Fuleen...) Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    (Maybe I'll just take them to a Filipino place and eat Baluut in front of them! :biggrin::biggrin: )

  11. I shouldn't be "set" on Little Italy OR Arthur Avenue - better quality, I imagine, should be the goal. (Shoulda realized that Little Italty was way too touristy at this point. ) So West and East Village are definitely options. (Looking at my old threads, I notice that I actually asked this back in May, too. That time, we ended up going to a place on Arthur Avenue. My mother in law liked it, but I found it blah. I think it was called Marias....?)

    As for price - medium. Not nose bleed high, but better than a storefront. Specifically, I'm thinking $30 or so per person....

    (Course, I'd go to Sripraphai, but that's just me. This is my mother in law's day...gotta remember that!!!!

    :biggrin: )


    Recently went on an ice cream fact-finding tour to both locales - and have to report the following:

    1) Brooklyn Ice Cream - Really rich, thick high quality ice cream. Over priced, however, with only so-so toppings (that cost extra!)

    2) Max N Minas - Well...it was okay. Indifferent service, and interesting flavor combinations, but nothing that wowed.

    So, that leaves me with my personal picks....a Cold Stone in Randolph New Jersey, Mary's Dairy in the Village, and the Taipan Bakery Ice Cream Platters on Canal Street. Okay- and Twix Breyers' ice cream in the Bronx. But that's just cause its local and tasty. :)

  13. Ohhhh, Pan, you're making me weak at the knees! Not only is creme brulee one of my favorite desserts (not often indulged in), but the idea of pairing it with a port wine (my favorite type of wine) for only $11....? Dag blammit, why do I live in the Bronx?? :biggrin:

    --Janet (GG)

  14. After three tries, I found Dragon's Beard Candy at Deluxe Food Mart - verdict? It was nice - lightly sweet - but would I rave about it? No. Honestly, I think Haw Flakes are ten times better.

    (Pan, sorry - couldn't find the original thread to attach this one to!!)

    Janet --GG

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