I know I'm risking being flamed as a street teamer, but thought everyone here would be interested in knowing that Washington City Paper's Restaurant Finder is about to go live. This is our online database of every eatery in town (well, we're trying). The fab thing about it is that restaurant ratings are determined by you--or you if you sign up to be a rater. It's free, simple, and we don't sell or divulge any personal info. Plus, raters are elligible for free dinners, prizes, special parties, and mostly having your astute comments posted online. This is a separate deal from Todd Kliman's Young & Hungry column (though that will appear in conjunction with the site). This is a place for D.C.-area foodies to share their thoughts on particular eateries. (And it's a very cool and handy way for finding places to eat, cuisines, etc.) Our database requires that a restaurant receive five ratings (good, bad, or indiffernet) before it shows up as rated and earns one to five coveted Sporks. So, we're asking all food lovers to sign up and start rating. Did I mention free eats and prizes? (I am such a street teamer!) The page is here: http://restaurants.washingtoncitypaper.com...s/raterhome.php Thanks! Dave Nuttycombe webmeister Washington City Paper webmeister@washcp.com