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Everything posted by indy

  1. I'm going a weekend camping trip and to sustain a group of 10 for three days. We hardly have the time to be true gourmets, but hefty, satisfying meals would be ideal... So, what are you favorite recipes for the outdoors? What tastes great over a campfire? Suggestions? We will have a basic wood fire pit and gas camping stoves at our disposal.
  2. I stumbled into this place last Friday, actually, and I was not impressed. 'tis true they give you a big plate, but my dish, a somewhat unimaginative (on my part)order of green curry was bland, watery, and mild, despite my asking for "thai spicy." i admit i have a bias (i was in thailand only last year, and have yet to find a place anywhere in the US that comes to my now snooty standards). that being said, i still wouldn't go back. the decor is frightening, though i suppose it's more authentic as some koh samui beachside restaurant-cum-bar than your typical thai strip mall fare. i'm new to DC, so i'd be interested to hear how people think this place rates alongside others in the area.
  3. Of course, as Raul suggests, if one were trying to be 'authentic' we couldn't forget those gorgonzola sandwiches. Neither could we ignore: "Leopold Bloom ate with relish the inner organs of beasts and fowls. He liked thick giblet soup, nutty gizzards, a stuffed roast heart, liver slices fried with breadcrumbs, fried hencod's roe. Most of all he liked grilled mutton kidneys which gave to his palate a fine tang of scented urine." I, for one, am content with using Bloomsday as an excuse to drink, minus the urine-tinged vittles.
  4. I'm new to town and to egullet, so I hope this isn't too off topic or too literary: does anyone have suggestions for a good Irish pub in the DC area (i.e. standard Irish beers on tap and an excellent selection of whiskeys?). I'm not looking for Barney Kiernan's, just a place with good alcohol, and maybe even some decent grub to celebrate Bloomsday. (June 16th is the 100th anniversary of Leopold Bloom's famous walk through Dublin, as written in James Joyce's Ulysses). Thanks a lot.
  5. Thanks to all of you for the suggestions...looks like there is a reason to explore the neighborhood after all. Cajun Bangkok...never thought I'd hear the two words together, but it sounds fascinating!
  6. Hi y'all. I just moved to Pentagon City (which seems rife with chain-food establishments, ugh!) and was wondering if any of you had recommedations for relatively cheap (I'm a summer intern) ethnic eats in the area. Specifically, I'm looking for good Thai, Indian (especially South Indian and snack foods), Korean, and African foods. Where do you guys get your spice fix? Do I need to travel to Adams Morgan and Bethesda for decent ethnic food? Thanks
  7. i was wondering if anyone knew if there was a market (or restaurant) in the dfw area that sells paan, wrapped in a (fresh) betel leaf? it seems a bit difficult to collect all the ingredients just to make a couple after-dinner treats. (i recently returned to the US after living in india for a year, and it's something that i find myself craving after an indian meal). i know that swad, a restaurant in austin, has a paan-wallah who will wrap mitha or jharda paan on site. anywhere else?
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