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Everything posted by Rasputin45

  1. Anyone been out that way this year to see if any u-pick strawberry fields are ripe yet? With the weather we've been having it's hard for me to predict.
  2. I went to Salmon House on the Hill for the first time a couple months ago with a group for lunch. I didn't feel like eating fish that day and had the french dip sandwich. Big mistake. This turned out to be possibly the worst french dip sandwich of my life, drenched with an extremely strong, thick terriaki sauce that ruined the whole thing. Everyone else I was with seemed to enjoy their food, and the view was great. But I won't be rushing to go back there again... what kind of restaurant messes up a french dip sandwich?
  3. After pre-emption, the show continues with episode three tonight.
  4. Drew the intern is so annoying!
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