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Everything posted by razzar

  1. Why the reticence? Reading these and other posts demonstrate to me just how out of touch I've become about the restaurants in the area. We really DO need to get out more. It's like I tell the young(er) people at work when I asked them what they're goiing to be up to onthe weekend -- I'm not nosy, I just have to live vicariously through them. I'm also sorry to see posts about the decline of some of the restaurants we have been to. Chef Boyardee at Il Porto? When it first opened, Il Porto was fairly decent. Of course, the last time we were there was for my daughter's 15th birthday, and she's 29 now. (Edited to correct egregious typing mistakes.)
  2. Quote from sara: "Does anyone else recall the Dixie Pig from Rt 1 in Alexandria, from the early 80s?? Back when the Multiplex was a drive-in?" Some of us remember when the Dixie Pig was across from Beacon Field, a private airport. We never used to go there, since my father did not want to become part of the "Friday night fights."
  3. I think you all are hitting it on the head -- it is a touristy area, and touristy areas attract mediocre eateries. But, you all are naming restaurants I haven't thought about in years. Thanks. We DO need to get out more. I also sorta agree with Swankalicious (I hope I spelled that right) about the Majestic Cafe. I too like the space, but (based on my admittedly slim one time brunch visit), I didn't think the food was all that special (I had the corned beef hash and eggs). For DonRocks, thanks for the note. I tried to respond, but apparently haven't posted enough to achieve the level of permission to use the email, so the reply "wasn't sent."
  4. I have been reticent to write anything in here. This is such an intimidating crowd I have noticed, however, that there is a general feeling that Old Town is pretty much a wasteland when it comes to restaurants. On the rare occasion when I can break my mildly agoraphoic wife away from good ole Prince William County, the farthest afield we can generally go is to Old Town. (We do like Landini Bros. and Geranio, but haven't been there is a long time). But, why that general feeling? Is it that the restaurants are just "okay"? Or are they certifiably bad? I love giving people a chance to vent.
  5. There used to be a Chinese place near us called the "Fukien Gourmet." Name has since been changed to the Hunan Gourmet. Probably too many smart-a**ed kids calling up.
  6. Once, eating in a seafood place near Yorktown, VA, a friend found a little crab-like critter in the clam he was eating. When he pointed it out to the wait-person, she responded: "Oh, you can eat that. It's supposed to be a delicatessen."
  7. Actually, right at the corner of Lee Highway (Rte 29) and Monument Drive. Just went by there today and the foundation is rising. But the parking could be interesting.
  8. razzar

    White or Red?

    Reds. Whites usually taste too "thin" to me, and reds also "go" better with the foods we enjoy most.
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