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Ted Task

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Everything posted by Ted Task

  1. Mrs. is off to LA without me, and has asked where to dine , especially since I won't be there to guide and make reservations. She'll be staying "downtown" LA, so anything outside of the imediate area is not necessary. Falcon was suggested, but nothing additional was added. Thanks in advance for the help. Ted Task Rockville, MD
  2. Had to go to the Ft. Myers area twice in the past month, and as I remembered it, unless one goes down to Naples it is difficult to find a decent meal (I'm NOT knocking the always available grouper sandwich). That having been said, I found two restaurants that are worthy of consideration. My only regret is that I ate in each one only once, so my comments/report is based on small sampling. Friends took us to CRU, 13499 S. US 41 in Ft Myers tel 239-466-3663 where they introduced me to Brian A Roland CCC the Exec Chef and one of the partners Michael Knox-Director of Operations. web site www. crufoodandwine.com and one could e mail brian@crufoodandwine.com I was tried from travel and an opening glass of a rose sparkler from France lifted my spirits. Brian then put more than several different offerings in front of us (my friends had advertised me as a great foodie) and I found everything lovely to look at and almost everything very tasty and interesting. My apologies, I did not keep notes, but let me assure you that this is a VERY worthy stop. On another trip (same friends, same travel weary me) I dined very elegantly at FARFALLA in Corkscrew Village , 21301 Tamiami Trail S., Estero tel 239-495-9912 where I met Chef owner Michael Fattah . Once again, no notes, but after ordering and looking, I said "This Chef has classical training!" and after a super meal I spoke with him and he gave me his background. I was right. So I'll end this little blurb with one statement-Go to either of these havens and enjoy! I'll be interested to see what others who may have more time report. Ted Task Rockville, MD
  3. There is a company called "Albert Uster" in Gaithersburg, MD who you might try.... I just found them for candies orange and lemon peel, so maybe? Ted Task
  4. Back from Turkey about a week and now have time to report. In Istanbul and surroundings we dined well at : Bridge Restaurant Nakkastepe Yolu #62 Baglarbasi this is a very large food operation, we ate there with a Turkish friend we ate in the "regular" dining room with a WONDERFUL view of The Bridge and The City. There is also a handsome fish operation under the same roof and a wedding hall. We were in a large party (75) at; Ajia Hotel info@ajiahotel.com and/or www.ajiahotel.com unfortunately EVERYTHING was fried but EVERYTHING tasted great...wish that I'd had an opportunity to try that kitchen again Out near the NEW American Embassy: Le Pecheur Yenkoy Cad #80 Tarabya was an experience, again in the BIG group, but we dined well Then four of us went to Izmir (very much worthwhile) and I can commend: Deniz Restaurant Ataturk Cd #188/B Kordon extraordinary seafood.pick your FRESH fish (from the display) pay for it by the pound and sit outside on the harbor.....without doubt the best meal we had on the trip. Topcu Kazim Dirik Caddesi #3/B Pasaport has the reputation of the best kabobs in Izmir and we found them to be very tasty and the staff very accomodating to we English only speakers. We enjoyed our time in Turkey, found EVERYONE pleasant, helpful and friendly to Americans. Shame we don't help them more......but I delve into politics,sorry. We drank Turkish wines everywhere and for the most part found them acceptable. Raki, now, that's another story for another time (yes, I did/do like it). all I need now is to find the proper recipe for "Antep Ezme" and some fresh , hot pita. Ted Task
  5. Ted Task

    Wine Headaches

    And I had always been told that histamines were naturally occuring in the vineyard and came right thru the fermentation orocess...so, I will defer to Rebel Rose who is the proffessional... And, who I might add, has written some very clear and informative articles on the wine making process in the past. Ted Task Rockville, MD
  6. Finally got there last night , as the Mrs was coming off a plane at 8PM. We just walked in and and immediately found a small table in the bar . We go for food, but the people watching from this location was wonderful (can't believe what some people wear out in public-but that's another story). We started with a couple of "beverages" and I immediately questioned the size of my Patron (neat, water back)it was rectified, but why in hell should a good joint pour chintzy? It starts the evening with a bad impression. We ordered Gougeres (cheese puffs) and were rewarded with a basket of cheesy wonder......GOOD EATS! Nice play on the classic which you might expect. Mrs. had the lobster burger and was entranced, she comments that substituting the salad for the fries was a good choice (for her) as the salad was quite tasty. I had an old favorite Frissee and lardon salad with the smallest (not cooked completly-meaning that there was still some run to the white) egg, and was pleased with taste and size. I've got to go to books to see about the crutons that were on the salad. We'll go back as the location is convenient (valet parking on the corner) and there are itemss on the menu that I NEED to try. I saw hanger steaks that looked good, and I'd have to try the short ribs and (yes, I love them) brussel sprouts (seems that only French know how to cook them to my taste). Ted Task Rockville
  7. Barnyard tastes are a result of Brettanomyces,a spoilage yeast and your BEST source will be an article by Rebel Rose (Mary Baker of Dover Canyon Winery)from October 26, 2004. And, yes, they do often have a manure like nose and taste.....can't imagine why but SOME wine makers actually like this. Ted Task
  8. just back from a fast biz trip to the left coast, and was taken to dinner by very OLD friends. Well, I'm old too. They took us to DAL RAE 9023 E Washington Blvd ,Pico Rivera www.dalrae.com. Talk about a trip into the past! But, I must admit a very pleasant trip. This is a BIG joint, and on a Thursday night it was full. Only one of us had a steak ( it wan't me) but he was pleased. They bring to the table an "old fashioned" relish plate of celery sticks, spring onion, carrot sticks, radish, cherry peppers all on ice...which I LOVE! The vegs were fresh and crisp. The bread basket had some interesting crisps, whch looked like quartered pita (with some nice spices added in the toasting).They pour a serious drink (told you we are old)and the wine list features Jed Steele (his Shooting Star, 2nd label) which is in the main pretty damm good juice. Then I found an old friend, which I eat about once every two years...... Liver with onions or bacon. I told our waitress that I needed BOTH the onions and the bacon, no problem (and no extra charge). Talk about a pig at the trough, I really pigged out with a very large serving ($18). Wife had fresh fish, other wife had a pork chop that was huge and we all enjoyed this "Throw-back" , "Vintage" worthwhile (obviously very popular) place. Did I mention the live singer at the piano bar....GO! and enjoy. Ted Task Rockville, Md.
  9. "twas back in 2004 that Mathew Grant asked about INDIA the country, not where in the US....I am searching for the same information. Going to be there (mostly North, but in Kerala too and Mumbai) later this year and would like some suggestions in Amritsar, Delhi and Mumbai. I understad that the Hotels (which cater to tourists) are USUALLY the safest, but am open to suggestions. Thanks in advance. Ted Task
  10. Well chillun, I must tell you that reading this thread was GREAT fun....know why? 'cause this old guy enjoys you finding out what I've known (and railled about) for years. The supermarkets are NOT there for US...they are there for the Twiggies of the world. WE who DINE (perhaps to often) understand what is really good, and are prepared to go from place to place to get just what we want. My dear old Dad taught me that on Sunday mornings in Boston years ago. We went to Boston Bagel for "hot ones" just out of the oven, somewhere else for the hand cut lox, still another stop for the scallion cream cheese and still another for "Fig ends." These are the trim edges of fig bars, but purchased by the bag for (literally) pennies. There were other stops, these were just hi lights. Was it the adventure, or was each place JUST what Dad wanted that matched his specs for that item? To this day I'm really not sure, but it was an opportunity to spend a morning with a father who worked many many hours AND to wind up with a marvelous brunch. So, I do the same and have a daughter who does too. DNA, I guess. Ted Task
  11. Ted Task


    After reading all of the commentary that many of you have contributed, I'm going to say just one thing. AM I GLAD THAT I check into E GULLET! WOW! HOLY COW! GOLLY! GEE WHIZ! this guy can flat out cook! Seven of us last night. most of the featured plates and more than 9 appetizers (well it was our chance to check up on you all)then 7 desserts...OUCH! We wallowed out, so happy and so appreciative. Four bottles too. Thanks to all of you contributors, keep up the good work, it is really appreciated. Ted Task Rockville, MD
  12. Ted Task


  13. JUST back from Beaver Creek and enviorns. Realize this is a late answer to the question posted, BUT, figure someone will go looking sometime in the future, so a few comments. The WORST, overpriced and overly salted meal that we had was at The Grouse Mountain Grill in B.C. The waiter was mightly impressed with where he was working and when we complained...he told us that different folks have different reactions to salt, and he'd never had a complaint. When all 7 of us voiced the same opinion, and asked to speak with the chef, golly he had just left for the evening. STAY AWAY! We had not gone to this beautiful country for grand cusine, but we did eat well and here is the list of places where we ATE well. Service ,generally, was casual. The Gashouse in Edwards The Wooden Nickel in Crested Butte Gasthof Gramshammer in Vail Rialto Cafe (16th St.) in Denver May Palace (Chinese) in Vail (sometimes one needs a chance of pace from Elk and Buffalo) Denver Diner (breakfast) in Denver (this place looks like an institution, tastes like one too-good). No matter where you eat, remember in this enviornment , you are there to be stunned by the glory OR maybe "just" to ski. Have fun. Ted Task Rockville, MD
  14. As I live in Rockville, I rarely check this thread,BUT....once in a while I look in to see if I've been missing something. I think that some of you are missing...so here are a couple (maybe more as I get going). Buffet lunch at Fontina in King Farm..eat great mussels until you can't eat any more, the other offerings are always tasty, finish with a big fresh salad from the same buffet. Gracious service and very accomodating folks at Baronessa on E. Gude. It's Italian with a Spanish twist. This falls into the cheap eats category if you go 'tween 4 and 6:30..they offer a four course meal for $11.95 Is it Maestro? NO, but it's tasty and convenient...great place to take the Grand children too. Have we neen for the early bird? No, we go later and still enjoy. Thai Farm in King Farm also is better by far the Benjarong. A little furthur afield "all the way" up in Germantown there is a shopping center at (approximately the corner of 355 and Middlebrook) which has a Giant closest to 355....then it gets interesting. There is a very good (more authentic) Mexican restaurant, a pretty good Indian restauraant and best of all Yuraku, which is ALWAYS loaded with Asians (mostly Janpanese and Koreans) eating EVERYTHING! This is a seriously good place to know, they appear to serve excellent sushi (not to me), as the plates (boatloads) that I see being served disappear rapidly. Can't resist talking about a serious Hebrew National hot dog with a soft drink at Costco for lunch, and you do not have to be a member to buy this for $1.59, just load up with raw onion, relish and mustard and pig out. 'nough for now. Ted Task Rockville
  15. Finally got to Komi , and I must commend everyone who has written about this little gem. Using the reviews , I had a pretty good idea of what was what when we got there (two couples). You all made life easier. There is no rationale for me to review the foods that we enjoyed, with perhaps, one exception-the second best soft shell I've ever eaten (I, me, myself do soft shells BEST on the grill with no batter-so mine are the best). So I'll have to say this was the best soft shell that I've ever eaten from a professional kitchen.( so there Bob Kincaid and Jeff Black) If we had ANY complaint it is simply the NOISE level, to a point that we (old folks) could not hear the wait staff descriptions. I KNOW that there are simple, inexpensive solutions to this problem. Go to Komi and enjoy yourselves, and as advised by previous reviewers buy the whole package-pre fix with the wines. Ted Task Rockville
  16. WONDERFUL check list and schedule. May I add my two cents (not plain)? Passover is a great time to get to know the SUPER wines from Israel, LOTS of them in the stores for this holiday. Yes, there are many from other locales, but isn't time for you to get to know what's doin' in the "old country?" On another note, several years ago I made a change from the "typical" charoses that we'd always made and the results are dramatic. I figured out that walnuts and apples didn't grow in Israel at the time we first celebrated, so I switched to all fruits that I think came from the area. It is a labor (of love to be sure) to dice dried apricots, figs, dates, dried plums and mix them with finely chopped almonds and an Israeli muscat wine. Using the dry fruit gives a different texture that using fresh......but if that is your inclination, who am I to differ? Ted Task
  17. Cannot believe that no one has suggested La Academie de Cusine. This is the 30th year anniversary of THE cooking school serving (not just) the DC metro. Graduates all over the world and more than several that own their own operations. Four for examples 2741 in Falls Church, Persimmon and Grapeseed in Bethesda.and Zest in Frederick. Am I predisposed? YUP!, I've been teaching wine classes there for twenty years, and have had the opportunity to watch more than several of the graduates go on to wonderful heights. They cook good too! Ted Task
  18. I have to say this, but I'm telling you up front that I mean it only as a funny, not as a dig...I can't believe you missed the chance to jump on Montcairite for his/her lack of an L!!! Every time I see posts by him/her, I crack up over that, so it was all the more amusing to see you grammar-slingers at work, but no mention of it. Edit: That was from Curlz--didn't realize that I'm not logged in under MY account! Even funnier, methinks.
  19. You might try RGF Culinary Services...melanie@workingdinners.com Tell her I suggested them. Ted Task
  20. This "Old wine guy" saw the Virgin package just this past week and have this as my comment, without tasting. ANYTHING that will get the American public to pick up a bottle of wine is OK by me. It has been my (almost 50 year) experience that consumers need an inexpensive entry point. Many (not all) will gravitate to more expensive (presumably better) product eventually. An INexpensive drinker will ask "what makes -that- more expensive?", maybe I should try it one time.Look at the success of Two Buck Chuck. From my own experience (teaching a lot of classes to consumers)"Better" product shows better/tastes better with all of the attendent psychosocial satisfaction. NOW, having said all of this, I also KNOW that today's winemaking/vineyard caring advances ARE making better wine available to all of us at considerably less dollars than at any time in the past. TED TASK swe
  22. Ted Task

    Four Buck Fred

    Four buck wines from Napa make a lot of sense to me. Great appelation, wonderful recognition, and I'll bet they are damm good drinking, especially when one applies a cost/benefit ratio. My only problem, and I've not had the opportunity to taste yet, will be continutiy. This would appear to be juice bought on the market from who knows which winery overload, Once THIS batch is gone, the next might not be as well made. For those folks that are not as concerned with continuity, it's JUST THE RIGHT THING. It will bring more consumers to the fold, as we are always questioning. eg: "if I like this at $4. what can the one priced at $8 do for me that's different." Frankly I'm looking for a whole lot more price reductions, as the world of wine continues to grow. What most don't realize is that we are drinking MUCH better wine today than we drank ten years ago, extraordinarily better than twenty years ago and (unless one is old enough to remember) so much better than thirty years ago it's just not in the same league. We've really got it good, so when you see Napa juice for $4.give it a try. You might even like it. OK, that's my ramble for the day. Got to out and see if I can find the $4 bottle. Ted Task
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