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Posts posted by Rien

  1. I've just begun dabbling in the cocktail world and I'm looking to add a few more liqueurs to my arsenal. In particular, I'm interested in a maraschino liqueur, a triple sec/curacao (I currently have Gran Gala), and an amaretto.

    For maraschino liqueur, Luxardo seems to be the standard. I also see a lot of cherry flavored beverages from Germany, but I don't believe they are acceptable substitutes. Are their any other options available?

    For triple sec/curacao, my problem is pretty much the opposite: too many choices. It seems like they break down into those w/o brandy (Cointreau, standard Triple Sec) and those with brandy (Grand Marnier, Gran Gala). As I said above, I've got Gran Gala and I've been using it wherever Cointreau/Triple Sec/Curacao are called for. Would many drinks benefit from a non-Brandy version? What brands do people recommend and for what purposes? I'm curious about Luxardo Triplum, Citronge, Marie Brizzard, Van Gogh, and, of course, Grand Marnier and Cointreau.

    Last question is on Amaretto. Di Saronno is the de facto standard. Are any of the other brands - Lazzaroni, Luxardo, etc. - better, at least in certain applications?

    Many thanks for your assistance.


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