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Posts posted by davidkemp

  1. i usualy use shallots or pearl onions whole slowly simmer in rich chicken stock so they dont fall apart .could be topped with cooking liquid and touch of cream and butter.yummy.

  2. the french,italians,greek,asians,americans started there own distinctive styles of cuisine. during the early 1900 united states got the majority of immigrants from europe bringing their cuisine with them.restaurants started opening featuring their cuisine.they all did well because of bigger population.and i will tell you that if it wasnt for the italians , greeks ,and other european nationals coming here to immigrate,montreal wouldn t have the restaurant scene it has.new york.chicago started it all.great food towns.majority of top chefs are in the united states these are the masterminds of culinary trends.

  3. pharmaceutical sales,doctors love eating out at fancy places .majoritie of requests is for bice .another factor in french laundry sales is wine ,diners in montreal will never crack open a petrus or a vintage cheval blanc altough some could afford it.the only time you see big cheques in montreal is when movie stars and drug czars are in town.

  4. thats right jersey there are no restaurants in town that do those numbers,why is another story.has nothing to do with ship coming in or having lots of money,people have lots of money by not going to places like that.i personaly spend $30 thousand per year in restaurants not because i like eating there but because my clients demand it ,its a status thing and i will do anything to keep them happy .

  5. good food could be had anywhere in montreal ,but the only restaurants mentioned here are the toques ,chevres ,anise ,in a city where theres thousands of them.99%of the local population cannot afford to eat at these establishments,80%of the these people will cook at home ,maybe even better food than they would find in any one of these restaurants,we are a diverse multiethnic community with a lot of great home cooks .i saw a couple of posts knocking the baton rouges and the guidos in the city ,one member went as far as saying that his kids would not even eat that junk.we should start talkin more about the little neighbourhood restaurants that offer great food at reasonable prices.i was at guidos and angelinas for lunch the other day ,i had the suckling pig,it was excellent and it was under $20.as for hidding revenues from the goverment it is common practice in restaurants or else they would close down .very few restaurants pay their taxes ,suppliers ,landlords on time.montreal has one of the biggest bancrupt rates in restaurants.

  6. relax everyone,we are not talking about food cities,i started a topic about a restaurant that does $7 million a year with 65 seats.why is there no such restaurant in montreal like that? .toque ,anise ,chevres ,copies of the thomas keller ,charlie trotters and many others who start food trends,everyone else follows .at the moment everyone is deconstucting.another thing is the internet alot of chefs have acess to it ,makes it easier to get ideas .years ago you had to actualy visit a restaurant to actualy know what there up to.the only world renowed restaurant in montreal that started something is schwartz. no where else in the world could you you get what he has exept maybe georges smoke meat in laval.and out of the 250 restaurants that lesley has reviewed how many actualy made the top list and are they still around.maybe you should pick up kellers book and see the similarities for yourself.i have been allover the world but montreal is still my home and i love it for what it is.and as for restaurant in montreal hitting $10 million canadian with a 65 seats it will never happen here.

  7. well said carswell.montreal is a great city with good food ,you could live here if your poor or rich unlike many other big cities,but we are not a gourmet type of town,and the restaurants that are here are reproductions of great american restaurants..not to many good chefs will relocate to montreal due to the the fact that they are limited here.

  8. yes tourism plays a roll ,napa gets approximately 5 million tourists a year over a large area.montreal wich is smaller in size gets 15 million .yes there are restaurants on the strip that do great numbers ,serving over 250 a night.why is montreal then so different? montreal tourists and locals are more frugal .they rather hit prince arthur and eat for $15 .

  9. going back to the subject how a 65 seat reastaurant grosses over 7million u.s. in a population of 2900 people leaves me to believe this is a world renowned restaurant.

    i wanted to know if montreal has such a place with a population more substantial than yountville.montreal does not have the big spenders it should have .montreal has a lot of flash and the people are more frugal than most big cities.montreal is the capital of 1 a slice pizza and all you can eat for 7.99.

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