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  1. prasantrin, as long as the restaurant is within reasonable (no more than 20 minutes) walking distance from any train station, that's fine. We don't have a car, so we'll need to go by train. I appreciate your info so far. If you can squeeze more info from your source, that'd be great! torakris, I'll check out your list as well. thanks everyone!
  2. I am going to Bangkok in late June and plan to indulge in shameless piggery. The above two desserts sound intriguing - are they widely available? Can I find them in just about any hawker area, or are they sold in a specific place? Thanks.
  3. Thanks, prasantrin. I could just buy some beef myself, but I want it cooked right. Unfortunately, I don't live in Kobe, so I can't answer your question. I live about an hour west.
  4. We are leaving Japan in July. I set a goal of eating Kobe beef before leaving, but it's so expensive that we haven't got around to it. Does anyone have a recommendation for a Kobe beef restaurant in Kobe that costs around 5000 to 10,000 yen per person? Thanks.
  5. Hello, Is there anyone who is knowledgeable about shoujin ryouri (vegetarian temple cuisine)? I have even asked Japanese friends if they know of any good places in Kyoto that serve this cuisine, but no one has any recommendations. Although I live in the Kansai area, I don't get to Kyoto very often. Any recommendations?
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