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  1. Or you could try making their 2 meter tall christmas tree decorated with 1200 gold foil covered chocolate macarons... I saw that tree... Perhaps if I had a staff and a budget and a commercial kitchen... I tried a test-sponge today to see how I liked it. I found it somewhat disappointing in that there was barely enough batter to fill the sheet. I also found the end product far too thin and very eggy, almost like a crepe. It made for a quite small jelly roll. (although I wouldn't discount the very real possibility this was due entirely to some error I made) I think I'll go with a chocolate genoise after all, as I've made them many times before. I think perhaps I'll give it a gentle soak with some chambord sugar-syrup to keep the dryness away. And I'm reconsidering the pastry cream, perhaps a whipped filling would be better.
  2. I usually make a dessert with pastry cream for Christmas and thought it would be interesting in a Bûche. I'm guessing a biscuit dough would be something like this, at joy of baking or this, at baking 911? I just found the Baking911.com recipe, it specifically calls for a pastry cream filling with a sponge base and buttercream icing. Which is exactly on target for what I was planning. Although I plan to use a meringue, Italian instead of a whole-egg buttercream.
  3. I'm not familiar with biscuit batter. What kind of batter is it, can you point me towards a recipe? thanks
  4. Has anyone ever made a Bûche de Noël with a pastry cream filling? I'm planning on making one with a standard genoise cake base, but was worried the pastry cream might make it a bit soggy after a day in the fridge. This may not be a problem, as occasionaly when I've made a genoise, it's come out pretty dry and needing of a lot of sugar syurp. Are there any recommendations acheiving maximum moistness in a genoise? Thanks
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