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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by Varmint

  1. I pick up the pig around noon tomorrow. That's when the tent, pig cooker, port-a-potty, tables, and chairs arrive. I'll have to go get the goat on Saturday, unless my goat-man is coming my way. Riders to the abbatoir appreciated! The current forecast for Sunday is now the low 80s and a nighttime low of 58-60. Perfect.
  2. The pig arrives early tomorrow afternoon. I'm going to K-Mart tonight to buy an el-cheapo plastic swimming pool. Oops, that's my goat guy on the phone. Gotta go.
  3. Three days to go. We will celebrate life this weekend. We will reflect on how lucky we have it. We will honor our friends and colleagues whose lives were turned terribly upside down. This will be the last somber post from me, as I pull out of this funk. I can't wait to see each and every one of you, and I appreciate the miles you will have traveled to get to my little piece of the world. Marlene's arrival last night was the first step, and it will be therapy for each of us to break bread. Bring on da pig.
  4. Oh, Man, just what I need. More pressure about the banana pudding.................................. I can't take it.....must start drinking......................... Hey, the kids love smoothies in the afternoon.....now where is that rum? ← Child's play. I'll trade -- you cook all the meat and oversee the side dishes for the banana pudding. OK? C'mon, chicken!!!!
  5. Then shouldn't you be drinking by now? =R= ← If I didn't have someone to take care of that goat, I would have started drinking yesterday, but I'm all relaxed, now!
  6. Mrs. Varmint's family refers to that crust as "frust." I don't know why, but it's a common word in our household now.
  7. Please come prepared for hot weather. The forecast for Sunday is in the mid 80's. We have a tent to provide some shade, and hopefully the humidity will be lower by then. However, it's expected to get into the low 90s through Saturday. The first out of town guest arrives tonight. Many more will be here on Friday. So although we have 4 days left, I guess the party sort of starts today, doesn't it?
  8. And Bill Smith's cookbook does not appear to have the hushpuppy recipe in it, Debbie. It has lots of other good ones, though, and is a very good read. Malawry's hushpuppies have just the right amount of sweetness for my taste. I love 'em, and I think she'll make a convert out of you!
  9. Tee hee, silly greenhorn! You, too, Ronnie!!! Rochelle, I have a small ice cream scooper that might just be perfect here. You can make a lot of them quickly.
  10. Hmmm, my house? Seriously, though, I'm not sure if there is a great place for mac n' cheese, unfortunately. I'll think about it tonight.
  11. You can park on nearly every street in the neighborhood, including Dixie Trail. It's a Sunday, remember! However, I suggest you park on Leonard near the houses where there is construction behind my house, as those streets are less busy. This is what I believe to be the case -- please look for signs, of course!
  12. A couple of folks have asked me and yes, I have spoken with Brooks a couple of times, and yes, he and his family are OK. However, they know absolutely nothing about the status of their home, as news coming from St. Tammany Parish is non-existent. We are assuming that Brooks is not coming to the pig pickin', of course. He has said nothing to that effect, but it would be pretty insensitive to even bring something like that up. His focus is on his family and his home (and his extended family's homes, too). Brooks is crazy enough to come in light of all that's gone on, but if that's the case, let's all just be surprised then!
  13. I know it's hard to get excited about a party when there's so much pain and suffering going on in the Gulf Coast. Our hearts and hopes go out to each and every person who has been impacted by this devastating storm, particularly Brooks Hamaker and his family. If you know Brooks or have read what he's posted on these Forums, you'll soon realize that he'd want to make sure that we carry on with the pig pickin', and to celebrate life every possible moment. So that is what we're going to do. The show will go on, and it's only 5 days away. So, we'll keep our senses of humor alive, we'll cook together, we'll eat together, and we'll have fun. Heck, I'll even make a joke at Brooks' expense: He'd do anything to get out of losing to Dave in the fried chicken cook-off. Unless someone wants to step to the plate and dare to take Brooks' spot in the cook-off, we may go to an entirely different plan for the staff meal. Think beef, slow cooked and aromatic. We'll work it out. Five days to go. You may begin to fast. Oh, the forecast is calling for gorgeous weather: mid 80s, low humidity. Low 60s at night.
  14. Don't worry -- we'll put you to work. So, who wants to research the cooking of whole goat? This is obviously not a Southern thing (unless we're thinking of Southern North America -- aka Mexico), but I'm thinking of lots of lard, lemon, oregano and rosemary. I know you're supposed to cook it low and slow. Ronnie, you want to be responsible for this???
  15. May I have your attention. May I have your attention, please. Ladies and gentlemen, roasted goat WILL be on the menu at this year's pig pickin'. Now, can someone please tell me how the hell to cook a goat? Seriously, I haven't a clue. And am I wasting my time doing this?
  16. Heh heh heh, do I ever have a good source of buttermilk. How about very fresh, whole fat buttermilk in half-gallon glass bottles from a local dairy? That's the only buttermilk I use, and it's available at a fair price just up the street at the Whole Foods.
  17. I picked up a big 35lb bottle of soy oil and some sacks of white cornmeal for the hush puppies today. Varm, are Vidalias still easily found down around there? If so I'll wait to buy them until after I arrive--they're best when fresh. ← OK, so we have tons of frying oil -- 70 pounds worth! Vidalias are everywhere, so no problem. 6 days, y'all. SIX DAYS.
  18. I had a nice pig cooker delivered to my house this morning, complements of two very kind individuals. Yeah! Early forcast calls for temperatures in the mid-80s with low humidity. Down to low 60s at night. That wouldn't suck!
  19. I'm not a paper towel kind of guy. I like regular kitchen towels. That's why we have a washing machine! But I'll pick some up later this week. One week from today. Wish our friends down on the Gulf Coast all the best.
  20. Wow!! First, if you're serious about this, you better call LocoPops ASAP and let them know you need to place a HUGE order. They usually want 7 days notice. Second, I have no idea how you'll get a freezer on my tennis court, but you could put it in my driveway!! Regardless, this is very kind. Finally, if you want to make people very, very happy, you should do this for the Saturday crew who will be making the food. Send me an email when you get a chance, and maybe something can be worked out. Plus, we need some good Sicilians to join us! Thanks for the kind offer.
  21. I just returned from Sam's Club with the following. 25 pounds AP flour 25 pounds self rising flour 20 pounds sugar 7 pounds light brown sugar 4 pounds unsalted butter 4 pounds salted butter 40 pounds salt 35 pounds soft liquid shortening 500 spoons 250 bowls 300 napkins 300 cups 350 plates 300 forks 2 large rolls of foil 80 55 gallon trashbags 48 teabags -- each to make 1 gallon of iced tea Oh, and lots of Prilosec!!! I priced chickens at $3.15 each for fresh 4-pounders. And by the way -- 8 days.
  22. My goodness, Weka is certainly catching up on her posts, eh?
  23. I know you were kidding, but - has anyone else ever had to peel a hundred-plus boiled quail eggs? I have. You do not want to go there. Speaking of which: I wanted badly to go there (to Raleigh) but, alas, I cannot, as it turns out. My dad's coming to town on a medical mission (getting a second opinion) and I haven't seen him for a little over a year. I am sorely disappointed, once again (much as I love my Dad and am excited to see him). Hopefully, third time's the charm. Because there's gonna be a third time, I know. I'm not even asking. I'm telling you, Dean. Don't bother to protest or deny. "Year after next in Raleigh" has been my slogan for two years and I ain't about to abandon it now. ← Zilla, you will be missed. And I make no promises other than to do my best to cook the bestest ever pig this year. It usually takes me a full year to determine whether I'm ready to do another round!
  24. I think I could probably id 2 of the 4 on a good day if the wind were blowing just right. It certainly would be fun to try =R= ← I don't mean distinguishing the smell of the smoke. I meant, could you distinguish by the flavor of the meat?
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