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Posts posted by kOffkOff

  1. I've never heard of it, but I'm wondering if you mean crabs with chysanthemum tea as a beverage on the side, or crabs steamed in the tea?

    chysanthemum tea as beverage to go along with a crab dish.

    My bad for not stating clear :)

  2. Odd that no one's mentioned it, but I think an essential ingredient in congee is pidan, a.k.a. Thousand Year Old Egg.

    the english name for pidan is century egg :smile:

    where? the only name i've ever seen is thousand year old egg.

    century is better, easier to manage, but i just haven't seen it.

    maybe a case of different naming in different regions. I live in Singapore, and century egg is the only name I've seen though.

    just did a search over yahoo, and yeah these 2 names are both used. :biggrin:

    my wrong heh

  3. Hi

    I didn't read all the posts in this thread, so i don't know if I'm repeating this point.

    The most important thing to eating a mooncake is to eat it in very thin slices. Have Chinese tea or green tea to go with it would be even better. And don't eat too much because it is very filling. Just like cheese cakes, eat it in moderate amounts.

    I've seen a non-asian foreigner eat his first mooncake and he took a big bite at the whole piece. A very wrong move. It seems his asian friend didnt warn him about it.

    Btw, I love green tea mooncakes. I always eat half of a mooncake(sliced) along with a cup of hot green tea

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