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Everything posted by worm

  1. thanks everyone for the great help for a Californian. I think I want the setting to be very good, possibly on the top of a hotel overlooking the city..The food is somewhat important, but as long as it is pretty good, then thats okay. I only have one day in New York City and I want to take someone out where the setting will be very nice. you guys have given me some good info to work on. if you have anything more to add, it would be welcomed,possibly suggestions for top floor restaurants with a view of the city thanks
  2. actually top of the tower didnt get so high remarks, but the atmosphere looks very nice. The place looks nice as well, but you cant beat the view of top of the tower overlooking the city, although many people commented that the food was sub-par.
  3. well, id hate to start a new thread so ill just include it in this one, but i am looking at your recommendations and others over at http://newyork.citysearch.com/ I have currently found two nice places that seem to be reasonably priced (not exactly french) 1)The Place 2) Top of the Tower any opinions on these. thanks
  4. maybe i should clarify. I was thinking about $100 for the food alone (apetizers included). Any wine or other drinks tax + tip would be added to the $100 for the food. I am not a huge wine drinker so i will probably only have one glass. So basically maybe $150-$170 out the door
  5. Thanks everyone for your replies. Wow things sure do add up fast . i am looking into all your suggestions. i was suggested Cite restaurant by someone because it is less expensive, but i cant find any pictures of it. anybody have experience with it. thanks.
  6. Sorry I am only 22 years old and all the nice restaurants that i go to are paid for by my parents:SMILE: I'm looking for maybe something in the vicinity of $30 entrees, $12 appetizers and such. maybe we'll have a glass of wine or so, but entree and apetizer under $50 for each person + tax&tip. thanks bayards atmosphere looks nice
  7. I will be visiting NYC later this month and would like a recommendation for a nice French Restaurant. Looking for a nice atmosphere, but want to keep the price around $100 for the two of us. I say a place that looks nice called Bayards http://www.bayards.com/, and another called Daniels(but that looks a bit pricey) Atmosphere is a major plus. Thanks
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