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Everything posted by smidge

  1. Thanks everyone, for your suggestions. Has anyone been to The Engineer? Someone had recommended that as a potential place. I think the grownups would like Hakkasan, but I was worried about reports on this board that they are rude. But my folks are Chinese, and are fond of particularly fine dim sum. So if you think it's worth it.... who can say no to a good dumpling?!
  2. Thanks! Some other places currently under consideration include: The Wells Royal China ECapital Memories of China Lemonia/Halepi Alounak I'm looking for some good Korean, if anyone knows of a place! Or somewhere with great ramen a la Menchanko-tei in NYC.... And, if any of the above seem inappropriate for an infant, do let me know!
  3. Jon, thanks for your kind reply. I certainly appreciate it. I'm sure there must be others who have children and still are able to eat out at nice, but not fancy places? I do realize that taking children/infants to high-end places is frowned upon here ---I already did a search and found that whole thread about 6 year olds in top-of-the-line restaurants and I assure you, that's not what I'm looking for. So please don't dismiss my request. My father is turing 70 and is coming here from the States for a visit. I need to find a nice place with good food, where I will not lose face in front of my family. The catch, of course, is that I have a 5 month old. So I would appreciate it if people could let me know where they like to eat out with their children. Something along the lines of New Tayyab would be wonderful. I have been there at 5 p.m. with my child in order to not inconvenience others. I don't want to be banished to the world of TGI Fridays simply because I have a child! If I were back in Berkeley or NYC, I would certainly know where to go, but unfortunately I am now living in a foreign country. Please, please help me. Again, many thanks in advance for your recommendations.
  4. Hi everyone, I'm new to this site and to London, and I'm hoping you can help me. I'm looking for restaurant recommendations in Central London (or NW London) for my father's 70th birthday dinner. However, I need a restaurant that also: 1. would smile upon having a 5 month old (okay, if not smile, then at least not frown!) 2. is special (either in setting or authenticity of the food) 3. and is appropriately festive Given that I would be bringing my daughter, I'm obviously not looking for high-end here. We'll eat any kind of cuisine (except, perhaps, macrobiotic). I thought perhaps lunch (or even dim sum) might also be a better option than dinner. What are your thoughts? Thanks in advance for your help!
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