Jon, thanks for your kind reply. I certainly appreciate it. I'm sure there must be others who have children and still are able to eat out at nice, but not fancy places? I do realize that taking children/infants to high-end places is frowned upon here ---I already did a search and found that whole thread about 6 year olds in top-of-the-line restaurants and I assure you, that's not what I'm looking for. So please don't dismiss my request. My father is turing 70 and is coming here from the States for a visit. I need to find a nice place with good food, where I will not lose face in front of my family. The catch, of course, is that I have a 5 month old. So I would appreciate it if people could let me know where they like to eat out with their children. Something along the lines of New Tayyab would be wonderful. I have been there at 5 p.m. with my child in order to not inconvenience others. I don't want to be banished to the world of TGI Fridays simply because I have a child! If I were back in Berkeley or NYC, I would certainly know where to go, but unfortunately I am now living in a foreign country. Please, please help me. Again, many thanks in advance for your recommendations.