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  1. Also, didn't Rocco cook Italian food on Melting Pot? That's why I thought his "I'm starting fresh with the food of my heritage" sounded odd.
  2. What were the ratings anyway?
  3. The tendency you describe may be quite evident. I was just objecting to what I interpreted as a call for American viewers to pull for the American chefs. If some among us like the ICJ food more because it seems different, fine. The originial post to which I was responding said, " it's always the popular view to be against our own in any contest as this, or an unpopular war, ei Vietnam and Iraq etc.." I'd like to think that we here cast our Iron Chef votes based on food--not politics.
  4. Barb48, I don't think there has been a pro-American or an anti-American trend in the Iron Chef America posts. If anything, writers have demonstrated a desire for fairness, a strong wish that contestants not win simply because they are Americans and the judges are American. In the end, this is entertainment. And we all want a little suspense.
  5. Got it. I'm NOT Italian, so I looked around on the web and got my "zeppole, zeppoli" info from www.sicilianculture.com where they devoted a page to discussing them. And of course, there are few guarantees on the accuracy of what one finds on the Internet! Thanks for the explanation.
  6. No need to insult Alton. Zeppole is one, zeppoli is many?
  7. If true, that's kind of endearing, don't you think? Mario has always struck me as such a no-nonsense guy.
  8. Did anyone else notice Mario holding a small camera near the end of the show? Would he have been getting a record of his own dishes?
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