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MJ Meats and Seafood sale American Kobe brisket by the case, normally 2 brisket per case, aprox 30 pounds. It runs about $2.70 a pound. MJ's is in Lynnwood. You can also get Kurobuta pork from them also. Jim
Linda Cooking breasts at the temps you plan should take aprox 3 hours to reach 160º internal. The thighs and legs would take aprox 4 hours at the same pit temps but your finish temp needs to be closer to 180º internal on those pieces. Jim
May I suggest that when smoking a corned brisket that you soak in fresh water for a day or two (changing the water two or three times a day. That will help cutdown on the saltiness. Use a low salt rub as The Col suggested. Jim
Sammy A corned brisket is brined so need to repeat the process. the lenght of the cook is dependent on size and pit temp, as an average 1 1/2 hours per pound. If these points are small (3 to 5 pounds) then time is not a good gauge. A flat I test to see if there done two ways, internal temp (188 to 205º) and how it feels when I slide a probe into the meat, it should have very little resistance. Jim
Dave I was asked a question on brinning that I have never come across before. If you were to brine chicken , rinse, package and freeze what can you expect when it is thawed? Jim
Woodburner If you read throught the written KCBS judging class you won't find smokering mentioned as something to consider while judging brisket. We talk to judges and know that many judges use smokering as part of their evaluation, so you need to take into account when deciding what meat your are going to turn. The reason for a 1/4" ring is that can be produced using good techniques without the use of curing agents. Fifi It is not a normal reaction to have a brisket pink all they way through. There is certainly nothing wrong with liking it. Jim
jmcgrath The west coast, or for that matter in the midwest at KCBS competitions sweet is needed to score highly. I just took a class from a rather well know competitor and the sweetness of the end product was stressed (this instructor just won a midsouth with very sweet BBQ) . I prefer my BBQ dry or lightly sauced and the sauce to be on the spicy side. Please come and give judging instruction out in the west I would find it a welcome change. I believe you are correct that it is regional to a degree. Ben Thank you for your welcome. Jim
Col Brisket is trimmed the way explained on Virtual Weber because one thing judges look for is that the fat is well rendered so we trim to the min amounts that will do the job for us. The ideal portion of a brisket to turn in is the portion of the flat that is located under and just in front of point, the point gives that portion plenty of protection from drying out. Smokering is not part of the judging because it can be produced artifically by using products like Tender Quick but we all know that judges do take into consideration. A ring of 1/4" would be ideal. At this time in the competition world your BBQ can't be too sweet, judges score very sweet very high. It is so sweet that I personely won't eat it. Jim
Col That same method can be used for offsets by putting together a expanded metal basket and using Kingsford the same way you would in a WSM. You can get 4 to 6 hour burns without refueling and maintain your desired pit temps. Jim
Sammy At the pit temps you cooked 20 min a pound would normal so 4 hours is right. Cooking a higher pit temps on poultry will get the skin darker and crisper, try 325º. A WSM can be fired up differnetly than was explained in the write-up that will get much longer cooking times without having to refill with coals. What you do is fill the firering with unlit charcoal and place a chimney full of lit charcoal on top, place wood on top and let the cooker comeup to desired temp. Jim
Col I'm a competition BBQ'r and the methods shown on the Virtual Weber Site is very accurate reporting of what you will find at competition across the country. I agree that for cooking at home non-trimming is find and I would suggest that all beginners start there. There is something to be said for keeping the brisket together rather cutting it up. The extra fat in the point does help keep the flat moist. FoodMan if you have a choice go with 10 to 13 pound brisket, much bigger than that I find quality is not the same. Col I believe I saw that you are from the Seattle area, I'm from just south of you and there are sources where you can get brisket for well under $2.00 a pound. Jim
Col Good work! I'm new to eGullet and really like the format here. I noticed that you stated that pork ribs need to be brinned. Can you give us some more info that? Jim