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clare h

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Posts posted by clare h

  1. oops i too have posted in the other thread by mistake. japenese type food (buckwhaet noodles etc) really helped me out when i was on a similar diet - and although it was tough it really helped me out with a medical condition i had when years of trying other therapies had failed, so i am quite a beliver in these things.

    A random aside - have you tried acupuncture for fertility? i see an acupuncturist who is quite well known for helping conception, might be worth a try? If you want her details let me know and good luck!

  2. Hi MobyP

    I got stuck on a similar diet a year ago - had to stay on it for a year but lasted 8 months so i sympathise! I found some of the best stuff i had to eat was japenese type meals - they tend to use more wholegrain type carbs anyway and it seemed that stuff tastes better rather than subbing in wholemeal pasta where you would usually have white! Clearspring do loads of good products. One other word of warning is that if you are detoxing it isnt a good idea to suddnely start eating more past or wheat products than you usually would as lots of people don't feel good when they eat to many 'flour' products - infact it can make you feel pretty horrendous after a while which isnt what you are wanting to achieve (if you start having slightly 'drugged' feeling sleep it is generally a sign that you are eating too many flour products) - brown rice and barley are the best. Also (and you are probably already doing this) avoid dried fruit, particulalrly if you have blood sugar problems as it is the same as fruit juice - like pure sugar (although apple juice is sometimes ok as a fruit juice treat).

    Some other things i picked up along the way and talking to various people - it is often better to eat locally produced food rather than organic stuff which has been freighted miles (there is a theory that local food provides us with the correct bacteria for our environment, asthma has recently been treated successfully with local honey), and wild duck would be OK - any wild meats are thought to be better than even organic farm produced (although you have to kind of check things are wild).

    Seeds and nuts really help blood sugar - sunflower seeds roasted with tamari are a nice snack.

    Although most of the stuff isnt that appetising some specialist cookbooks can give a few ideas - i got a macrobiotic cookbook that had a few good recipes in and wasnt too preachey by a woman called Kristina Turner

    Sorry to go on but i remember how tough i found it - i guess you just have to try and see it as an interesting diversion for a few weeks??

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