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Posts posted by pchef2

  1. When certain items come in season we almost always do a composition using that ingredient so there has been times when we have used the title "study of____" as a headliner and then a brief discription of that dessert underneath. Or when we think something is going to be a hard sell we give it a little extra discription in the title. For example, I did a chilled strawberry and rhubarb consumme with a frozen lime souffle. So we titled it WOW! Strawberries and Rhubarb

    Strawberry and rhubarb consumme

    Lime Soufflee Glace

    Fresh seasonal berries and fruit

    I also did a variation on lemon for the spring and titled it "Spring Lemon Fever".

    We are a very fine dining restaurant but we still try to make it interesting for the guests when it comes to the dessert menu. I do not have a dessert cart, so I leave it to the servers and menu descriptions to sell the desserts. All of our desserts are plated, we do not do cakes and tortes. Maybe for your peanut cake you could title it "Oh nuts !" and just do a brief description, (i.e. peanut butter cake, peanut butter ganache, chocolate mousse). In the discriptions, I always try to start with either the main ingredient or the ingredient that would most appeal to the general public. I hope this helps.

  2. Sorry it took so long to come back to this subject but after much research, this is what I have found. The Lorann oil website gives a recipe for hard candy.

    It is: 2 C. sugar

    2/3 C. light corn syrup

    3/4 C. water

    1 Dram (.125 oz) (1 t.) Lorann oil flavoring

    Of course cook this to 300 degrees. They also suggest adding 1/8 t. of citric acid to inhance the flavor. I have used citric acid when making pate de fruit, but have not used it in making lollipops. I'm not sure when to add the acid because I add it at the end when making pate de fruit. I have not tried the recipe above. I normally use glucose, sugar and water, but I will try this recipe and let you know how it turns out. Maybe the citric acid will make the flavors more intense.

  3. Im doing a dessert right now where I poach the pear in cabernet and spices (cinnamon and ginger, lemon) and when they cool I quarter the pears, cut the seeds out lengthwise and then slice the pear very thinly (not lengthwise ). Then fan out the pear and wrap it around itself so that it looks like a flower. Then I made a gingerbread brownie, cut it in a circle. Make some vanilla cream and pipe that onto the gingerbread and place the pear flower on top of that. Then I made some ginger syrup (poach ginger in simple syrup and reduce a little) and drizzle that around the pear dessert and garnish with whatever you like.

  4. holly, refering to the post back in aug 6, you said trio's was your first choice. Are you refering to the one in cincinnati? I used to work there a couple of years ago. Its a very nicely run resturant. As for camp washington chili, I live just around the corner. Please let us know when you are in town again and I will give you a couple more resturants to try.

  5. Hi, I just discovered this web site and I am so excited to finally talk to other pastry chefs. I currently work in cincinnati at a very upscale eclectic french resturant for the past three years. My partner and I are always looking for new ideas in the pastry area. It gets kind of boring in cincinnati because there are no other resturants in the area that are challenging enough for us to learn from. So it would finally be nice to talk to other people for ideas. But any way back to ideas for the culinary challenge. My ideas for pastry/savory crossover are sweet and savory tomato jam, olive or olive oil ice cream, parmesan or black pepper tuiles, white pepper ice cream, just to name a few, which can be used as either a dessert or on savory dishes. A sweet tomato jam on puff pastry with goat cheese for an app or sweet tomato jam to go with strawberries for dessert. Black olive ice cream to go on top of a venison dish? Anyway just a few ideas I have seen or thought of using. Hope it helps.

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