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Everything posted by Geebs

  1. I had actually wanted to go to PF Changs, but my wife was not in the mood for Chinese. Thanks for your other suggestions as well. Next time we are in town we will have to check those out :)
  2. Thanks for the suggestions nigwino. We tried to go to Pho Pasteur, but they are closed on Mondays. We will have to go back on another night sometime. We ended up going to Rockbottom right across the street. By the time we got there they only had a bar menu so I got a cheeseburger which was ok, but not great. It had a lot of salty seasonings on it so I couldn't even taste the beef. The beer there is quite good though. I got the liquid happiness which was a high alcohol ale I believe. Very tasty.
  3. My wife and I are going to the Wang tonight. We were hoping to get some suggestions as to where we should eat after the show? We don't have much money to spend so we are looking for something inexpensive. We will also be very hungry since we will not have time to eat before the show so we would like something that is quick as well. Any ideas? Thanks!
  4. I never knew that asparagus could taste good until I moved out of my parents house. My mom was a great cook, but her asparagus was always cooked to the point of utter mush. I just recently discovered the joys of steamed asparagus and could (and have) eaten pound after pound at one sitting.
  5. Pizza that you could eat right out of the oven without burning the roof of your mouth.
  6. Fish
  7. Thanks everyone for your great suggestions and advice. Sounds like Shrewsbury St will be my next area to check out. Please keep the suggestions coming as my wife and I love to eat and it seems like everyone on these boards have the best suggestions around.
  8. My wife and I just moved to Grafton, MA which is a pretty small, but up and coming town close to Worcester, MA. Grafton does not have a lot to offer in the way of restaurants although we have found a few good places like the Grafton Inn and Two Cousins. The Post Office Pub is not bad, but not great. Can anyone suggest any places we should check out anywhere in the Grafton, Shrewsbury, Westboro, Worcester areas (or anywhere else close by)? Any suggestions would be very much appreciated. Thanks!
  9. My father in law is Portugese and loves lupini beans. He serves them at every family gathering. I have seen lupinis in stop and shop by all the pickled items. They are so yummy and fun to eat.
  10. This is one of my first posts and I do not think I am in the same league as most of you since I have been to very few fine dining establishments (although I hope to correct that soon). Most of my dining out takes place in local family owned restaurants. Now that you know where this point of view is coming from, here are some of my pet peeves. I can't stand when I order something such as a salad or maybe a meal that comes on bread or a wrap and the server asks "what kind?" without either telling me what my options are or having them printed on the menu. I am not a mind reader and while I can assume that certain dressings or types of bread are probably available, I do not want to miss out on something they may have that I was not told about. I really hate when a server sits down at my table and gets all chummy. I am there to dine with the people I came with. If I wanted the server to join me then I would ask them to (which I have done on a few rare occasions). I do not want a server to be a comedian and try to make me laugh. I am out for a meal, not a show. This would not be such a pet peeve of mine if the ones who did this were funny. Too often they think they are a whole lot funnier than they really are. I do not mind some humor, but do not make a show of it. That is it for now aside from saying that I have loved lurking on these boards for the past few weeks. I have gained so much insight and such a better understanding of all things food from everyone here. This has really opened my eyes to a whole world that I crave to experience and for that I think you all!
  11. I had a roommate in college who would put ketchup on EVERYTHING. Cereal, desserts, in his beer (I swear). He was from Thailand and my parents thought that maybe that was in the Thai culture, but of course it was not. We once dared him to eat a dog biscuit. He said he would do it as long as he could put ketchup on it. He won the bet. But his worse offense IMHO was when he took a hotdog bun and put three scoops of ice cream in it (his normal snack), but then he topped it off with bologna and ketchup. We were not roommates much longer after that.
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