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Everything posted by MM73

  1. MM73

    Solar cooking

    We have also put together a solar quiche recipe and accompanying video if you're interested - it tasted delicious (if we do say so): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_N1qos7_fc
  2. MM73

    Solar cooking

    I put the baked potatoes in at around 10am and then left them all day whilst I was in our workshop - we took them out at around 5pm or so, just in time for dinner!
  3. MM73

    Solar cooking

    That will depend on weather conditions etc but most solar ovens reach temperatures close to 150°C
  4. Hi Stephen, speaking from a woodworker's perspective, end grain chopping boards cost what they do because of the time involved in making them. It is a very labour intensive process. Realistically £65 will barely cover the cost of buying the hardwood needed to make one. However, you can have a go at making one yourself - I've put together a tutorial outlining the details: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0EDeNv1inM
  5. MM73

    Solar cooking

    102 - perfect for solar cooking! We live in Portugal and the weather here is also very conducive. I've got some baked potatoes on the go right now in fact. My wife and I made our own solar oven (box type) and we're very happy with how it performs. To be honest I'm quite surprised - I was expecting much from it. Anyway, we documented the build process here if anyone is interested to make their own: https://reclaimdesign.org/diy-solar-oven
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