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Everything posted by LD-NL

  1. Thanks all. I found more information and it seems oxidisation doesn't happen such a lot; it's more the damaging that changes the colour molecules. It seems root vegetables that contain anthocyans for instance, and carotenoids, are very stable, and that green is quite fragile because the chlorophyl damages so easily; even in the fridge. And that even acidity affects the colour more than oxidising does. Next step will tell them they were wrong. This requires some serious bracing ๐Ÿ˜ฌ I might actually simply create a new entry explaining what I found and make it unrelated because I don't want them to feel bad.
  2. Thank you!
  3. Thank you both. If I understand correctly (from what I learned), changing colour is not the same as oxidising, and I understand there are different types of colouring molecules that can be affected in different ways such as heat, simply cutting, and the acidity of their environment. So all in all it should not matter if veggies are placed in cold or hot water, right?
  4. The original, old, cuisine from the Netherlands doesn't really amount to much though. The 'draadjesvlees' is nice! There are exceptions ๐Ÿ˜€
  5. LD-NL

    Coffee vinegar

    End of last year I suddenly had an idea: WHAT IF I ground coffee and add that to the delicious apple cider vinegar? So, I did. This was great coffee, anaerobic natural, yum. One could debate it was a bit wasteful to use it in vinegar, but I thought it would be perfect. I would have preferred using white wine vinegar, or even red, but I didn't have it at the time. I simply added it to cold vinegar, no heating. I left it for two weeks, tried some, loved it. It was really good, I must say ๐Ÿ˜€ But enough own-bell-ringing. A month later though the vinegar formed a blob on top. I threw it away. Now, I wonder. Did that vinegar go bad? Should I heat the vinegar after adding the coffee? I look forward to your insights ๐Ÿ˜Š
  6. Someone said to never EVER place vegetables, and potatoes, in cold water to boil them, because if you do they oxidise. โ“ I wonder how this happens. And of course: if this is true. If the vegetables are under water they can't really react to oxygen, unless they somehow* bond with the O atoms in the H2O molecule. But that would be weird. Can someone explain how this would work, and how cold water would allow them to oxidise much more than in boiling water? * I edited due to a typo; someone instead of somehow.
  7. Thanks! Yes, the cakes: I loved baking them and then decorating! And the cooking book; I certainly DO remember it. It was 'La Cuisine est un jeu d'enfants' from Michel Oliver. And I used it very often to make dishes with my father ๐Ÿ˜Š Yes, I am from Europe (France and The Netherlands). France: well, French cuisine โค Netherlands: no cuisine whatsoever ๐Ÿ˜‚ Okay, okay, I should play nice. But. Thanks for the tips! I already have one burning question and I will ask it soon ๐Ÿ˜Š
  8. Wow! I had never heard of that before either! I love coffee though, and I might try this one day. Good thing you mention the coffee should not be all that hot because I was thinking 'omelette' as I started reading. Adding the condensed milk sounds, well, it all is beginning to sound like a perfect dessert to me ๐Ÿ˜Š
  9. Greetings! I am asked to do an introduction and well, I will do my best! Ever since I was a child, I was interested in cooking. I loved helping my parents in the kitchen; especially my father who was fond of creating nice dishes, and who bought quite a few great books on, mostly, French cuisine. One day, as I was floating in the bath tub, he asked me what I would want if I passed the final tests in primary school; a shiny big coin, worth 2,50 (which was a LOT to an 11-year 'old'), or a cooking book. I chose the cooking book. Bien sรปr ๐Ÿ™‚ So, that, and more, pretty much set me off to enjoying cooking. Not that I think about it too much, but since I do and often had 'difficult questions' this lead me to talk to interesting people, and finally I was pointed in the direction of this forum which I am about to explore. I already have one question for you, which I will post in the correct group (I still have to sort this forum out). If I post in the wrong group please correct me. I am not sure what else to tell you about me, except that my favourite foods are vegetables, some fruit, cheese. I LOVE coffee! And I will take a sip from the fresh batch now and come back to this forum as soon as I can ๐Ÿ˜Š
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