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Kimberlene Brown

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  1. @porfyra, Hope you are well? I know this was a few years ago. I happened to be searching on the same topic and found this thread. Was there an update on the batches made with coconut butter vs regular butter, pectin and lecithin? Would love to know. Thanks
  2. Hello! Thank you for this. No, I’ve not read this one. I’ll have a look at it. Thanks !
  3. Thank you Jim! I will have a look at the resources above.
  4. Hello, I would like some guidance to learning or reading material to help me understand how to balance a recipe for a chocolate confectionery pelase, I am looking for ganche based recipes for truffles. I’ve got the fine chocolate book and chocolates&confectionery books, which seem really helpful however I am still trying to understand how to manage the percentages of each ingredient. Any help or knowledge is welcome. Thanks
  5. Hello Jim, Hope you are well? I know this is an old post, however I’ve been trying to search for topics related to balancing of a recipe for truffles. I’ve been reading books but I would like to get some more knowledge on how to balancing a recipe. The links you’ve posted above seem like there might be some info there to help me, however I can’t seem to open any of them. Can you kindly help me please. Thanks
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