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Everything posted by mmoorree

  1. Thank you everyone. I used both the website mentioned above and was able to get the nutritional information details. If all goes well, when I formally get my product tested in the lab i will post the result here for comparison.
  2. Maharashtra, India. Here you have to put the nutritional information on the label immaterial of the numbers of units you sell. I will check ReciPal and update. Thank you 🙏
  3. Thank you 🙏 so much I will try and update!
  4. Just the calculator. I can design my own labels.
  5. Hey people! I have an item in the market which according to the food laws governing my place I tested for nutritional information and put it up on my labeling. That product sadly didn't do well. I haven't discontinued it but the sales are low. My question is- this new item i am making only has three ingredients. 1. Nut butter 2. Grain flour 3. Sweetener I have all the nutritional information available for the ingredients seperately. Is their a calculator I can use to club this information together for labeling purpose only during the initial stages and if the sales are good I can get it tested as per the norms. The thing is the nutritional information test is expensive. Please advice.
  6. Noted. Its a 20kg batch. Will increasing the percentage of sugar help? Or i just play around with flavors?
  7. Hello good people. I made white chocolate by following this formula- cocoa butter 35%, whole milk powder 35% (fat content 25%) and 30% sugar. It tastes extremely milky. Can I save this batch? Its a lot of chocolate. 😥
  8. Please advice, how am I supposed to solve this issue? Will tempering sort out this problem or there's something else I am supposed to do.
  9. If i am understanding it correctly this is a tempering issue and nothing else, right?
  10. No, I didn't. This is untempered chocolate. Is this because this is not tempered?
  11. Any idea of what this is and how it happened? I made 70% dark chocolate and stored it in a dried steel container in the kitchen cabinet. Once during conching the temperature rose to 55°C but at the time of completion (72hours) it was perfectly refined and had amazing texture and taste. RH didn't go beyond 55% - 60%. Temperature between 28°C to 38°C during the entire refining/ conching process. I tasted today and it was grainy as if the sugars have come together. Please advice.
  12. Hello, I mostly make chocoate spreads. I also make chocolate and nut butters. I have a sample wet grinder 1kg batch size and a 20kg batch size. I want to stick to chocolate making and confectionary. If i have to choose between the two which one should i opt for. Usage- nut butters, making cocoa mass before refining, praline, etc. Both vitamix xl and robot coupe blixer 5 are coming at the same cost. Currently i am doing nut butters in my melanger without any problem except it takes approx 8 hours. I am in India. Pls advice.
  13. I make something similar to the pictures in link you have shared. It stays good when refrigerated for up to a week. Catches mold usually after 48 hours in ambient temperature. Recipe- I make extremely dark dry caramel (170C), add hot fresh cream to it. In a separate bowl I chop either milk/ dark chocolate and softened butter. Mix the two and cover it for a while, use an immersion blender to get an emulsion. Put in mould, cover and refrigerate overnight. Unmould, cut in the shape you like and sprinkle cocoa powder.
  14. I sent an email to robot coupe and am waiting for their response. In the meantime I soaked the dates in oil and put it in my wet grinder to integrate it in chocolate spread and looks like I reached 20micron particle size. I had to run it for 80hours.
  15. Can you please advice on a model? Are you suggesting a Blixer coz I looked up on YouTube and couldn't any videos of people doing it? Or is it some other model.
  16. If i were to invest upto $1200 which machine would you recommend. I want to do only pure date paste approx 10kg a day. I also have robot coupe immersion blender mp350.
  17. I have stone melangers and hand blenders. I am planning to invest in a mixer blender though but haven't decided any machine. Any advice on which one should I go for?
  18. I'm looking to make energy bars for selling. I already sell some chocolate spreads. I lack the know how of making date paste as that is going to be the binder in my recipe. Pls advice. I have soft pitted dates. Recipe i intend to make is similar to this- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2yrSUw_yno
  19. Welcome!
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