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Andy Lynes

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Everything posted by Andy Lynes

  1. Does anyone know where the idea for this first originated - I've had it elsewhere within the last couple of years and am struggling to remember. It may possibly have been Le Champignon Sauvage although if you google "baked potato consomme" its obviously an idea that has made its way around the world.
  2. I refer the honourable gentlemen to my earlier reply.
  3. She's obviously learnt the fine art of hyperboyle from her boss: "She had to grit her teeth especially hard when she sliced off a chunk of her hand when using a machine to cut thin slivers of beetroot. “There was blood everywhere,” she says, “but I didn't complain because I knew I'd get told by the doctor to take two weeks off and I didn't want to do that.” She worked on and her hand bled for a week. In contrast, she says, the men took two weeks off for a little nick with a knife." Two weeks? Yeah, that sounds really likely.
  4. I am, quite literally, laughing out loud (I am not however, rolling around the floor laughing my ass off, because that's just plain silly).
  5. That's not the point I was making. I think Flinn is preoccupied with technique and skill often for its own sake, while Haworth has obviously moved through that phase (or never went through it) and has the confidence to edit his ideas to the essential flavours. He employs technique and skill in the persuit of flavour - Flinn does so in the persuit of impact, theatre and plain old showing off. Nothing wrong with that and its perfectly natural behaviour for a twenty-something, but the approach does nothing for me. I was talking to somebody (who best remain nameless) about Flinn last night and he put it very eloquently, "He's a bit chippy isn't he?".
  6. I can't imagine what you're getting at but anyway, my post was much better than yours - and I bet I can fillet a box of fish quicker than you as well. Ner ner ner-ner, and in addition, ner.
  7. Actually, I don't think the fact that its a formal competition makes any difference at all. I've seen an exactly similar attitude in restaurant kitchens around the world. It's certainly not being exhibited by Haworth. It comes down to the difference between calm self assurance and unwarranted arrogance and more importantly the gap between having the technical ability required to acquit yourself at the highest levels in a professional kitchen and the next step which is being a bloody good cook.
  8. I think "balloon boy" might have cracked a smile last night, and he was very courteous about Haworth's dish, so he's gone up in my estimation (gosh, I bet he's relieved about that). My problem is that I don't really understand the whole cooking-as-contact-sport mentality you so often find in professional kitchens e.g. my knife's sharper than yours, I can fillet this box of fish quicker than you, my plating is sharper than yours, my ingredients are more obscure than yours. I think we're seeing some of that in this week's programmes. It's got absolutely nothing to do with creativity or hospitality and everything to do with the testosterone-fueled ego-driven need to be "the best".
  9. Sorry, £60 - click.
  10. ...especially considering they are only about £50.
  11. Its not Metro doing the littering is it - its the lazy bastards that can't be bothered to take their copy home and recycle it.
  12. If you click on the link in my post you can read it - 2 out of 5 stars.
  13. I'll have to get me one of those "spumer" gadgets - they sound amazing. And that new Ramsay place The Boxford Cafe sounds interesting... (and you reckon they paid for that??).
  14. I pressed my nose against the L'eglise glass on Sunday as we were passing. Looks very nice in a Racine sort of way although there's some small tables for two in the middle of the room that I'd try and avoid - much like Racine in fact. Have you shopped at Otello? Certainly looks the part but I haven't had a chance to actually pay the place a visit as yet.
  15. So I must have walked past it at least three times without even realising it, including the time I stopped to read the Arrogant Frog menu in some detail.
  16. Where is the Hove branch?
  17. ...and then served Flinn a 20 year old signature dish! Flinn's rather arrogant, over serious manner is going down like a lead balloon in the Lynes household, especially as any mention of Nigel Haworth in our house is automatically followed by the phrase "the nicest man in British Hospitality". It may be all put on for the cameras and they are no doubt bezza mates in real life, but Flinn is so far doing a very, very good job of convincing me that he truly believes he's the mutts nuts. And if he happens to refer to himself in the third person at any point this week (and the way things are going, I wouldn't be surprised), I'm switching off.
  18. We were the only table of two when I reviewed the place for the Metro last year - click.
  19. Haven't been to Cecconi's but can recommend Ristorante Semplice http://www.ristorantesemplice.com/ where lunch is under £20 for three courses.
  20. Reports are coming in of a brutual and unprovoked attack on an American tourist. Caorlyn Tillie from San Francisco was posting her thoughts about a night out in London's Cut district when a group of masked foodies set about her with barbed words and snide remarks. "I was trying to explain that a night out with friends hadn't gone well and they just started in on me," explained a shaken Tillie. "Once they got going, I didn't think they would stop." Officals are still looking into the case but its thought that by criticising the Anchor and Hope, Tillie broke an unwritten rule of the foodie internet. "Its too early at this point to come to any conclusions," said a spokesperson. "But we believe that Ms Tillie has been somewhat rash in her negative comments about a beloved British institution, what with her being a bloody Yank and all. While we don't condone the action of her attackers, we do think she may have been asking for it." The investigation continues.
  21. I nipped into Great Queen Street last Monday for an early Guinness before popping along to the London Restaurant week launch at the Hospital last Monday (fronted by Jean Christophe Novelli who owns exactly, um, zero restaurants in London). The Guinness was out of a bottle ("do you want a glass?") and on the warm side. The room is rather gloomy and studiously unadorned - I just couldn't see myself ever wanting to actually eat there, even though the menu reads nicely.
  22. Don't ask me how I know this (and I honestly didn't know who won the Sat Bains/Glynn Purnell round in advance) but the chefs interviewed by olive (lower case "o") aren't all the winners. And it wasn't anyone at olive that told me that by the way.
  23. I would have thought that investing in a pager system would help matters, for the customers at least. But if the pub's packed all the time though I expect the owners see it as an unnecessary expense.
  24. No - I tried to extract the information from someone I bumped into at St Pancras earlier this week but they refused to co-operate - they even went so far to accuse me of stalking them, can you imagine that! No offence by the way chef. All the food has looked great this week and its been highly entertaining - the best double act to hit our screens since Eric and Ernie.
  25. I think Purnell's dishes are conceptually stronger and I can definately see the trifle being served at the big event. The only weak link is the pike. Apart from that, as long as the menu tastes as good as it looks, I reckon he's got it in the bag.
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