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  • Marking Posts or Topics as 'Read'

    eG Forums Host

    Topic and Forum listings are color-coded to help you identify topics or forums with content that you have not yet read.  If you wish to mark something as 'read' without actually opening it, you have a few ways to do so.


    To Mark a Forum as 'Read' from the Home Page:


    In this example, the top two forums ("Beverage & Libations" and "Cookbooks & References") have no unread content.  The "Cooking" forum has unread content.  To mark the content as 'read' without reading it, click on the icon circled in red.



    To Mark a Forum as 'Read' from its topic list:


    Near the upper right corner of a page is the label "Mark forum as read".  Click it.



    To Mark a Single Topic as 'Read' from a topic listing:


    In this case the topic listing is from the "View New Content" activity stream.



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