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WTN: 1998 J. Niedermayr Aureus

Brad Ballinger

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1998 J. Niedermayr Aureus, Vino da Tavola. This is a passito wine made from chardonnay, sauvignon, and pinot bianco. It’s also not fully developed. Don’t get me wrong, the wine was stunning. But it does have the stuffing to be left alone in the cellar for a while yet. apricot, caramel apples, some honey, some tropics. High acid levels make the wine more bouncy, less cloying – even though the viscosity was quite high. Strong apricot and acid-driven finish that went on for a long time. This was a trial bottle – gotta get me more.

We cannot employ the mind to advantage when we are filled with excessive food and drink - Cicero

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