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Le Bis


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Not knowing either to post in the Dining or the cooking forum, and as one can pick some cheese, bread, wine and eat'em in, here it is

Stopping by le Bistral, I was surprised to discover that owners had opened a pocket-sized grocery next door ( 82 rue lemercier, 17° ) from the restaurant 2 weeks ago.

I saw high end balsamic vinegars & olive oils, Joel Thiebault veggies, limited wine, saké, whisky & champagne selection, but also rice vinegars, soy sauces, and more surprising fizzy sugar , gadget pipettes and toothpaste like tubes the chief sometimes uses at the restaurant.

A display was keeping cheeses (burrata, scamorza), lardo di colonnata homemade desserts (tiramisu), chanterelles' sauce, fresh.

I posted a couple pictures on my blog

Prices are not cheap yet products look top notch.

To be confirmed, but looks like the shop is open on sunday mornings

Let Eat Be

Food, Wine & other Delights

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