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Registration Terms

1 - We are a member-supported 501c3 nonprofit organization. Your financial support is essential for the Society's continued existence. Please consider one of the donor membership packages.

2 - You do not need to become a Society member in order to read the eG Forums or view other content on the Society web site. Part of our public service mission is to encourage the general public to read eG Forums discussions and view Society content. So, if your interest is in reading eG Forums discussions or viewing content on the eGullet.org website, you may do so without joining the Society.

3 - Each membership is for one person only. The Society does not permit multiple registrations by one person or shared memberships used by two or more people.

4 - You are responsible for reading the Member Agreement and Guidelines in their entirety before joining. If you are unwilling to abide by the Member Agreement and Guidelines, please do not apply for membership.

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