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Everything posted by irenew

  1. Thank you everyone for your recommendations (Robert, Casa Calvet is one we're seriously considering). I'm actually beginning to share the same feelings as paulbrussel that 6 days in Barcelona may not be enough! Also found some interesting recommendations on the food news and media thread on the Aug.10th NY Times Article (have not read the article yet). As mentioned previously I will be there in September, upon my return I will try to post something on our dining experiences. Irene
  2. Hello Bux I will be in Barcelona for a week in September for a vacation.I am coming for Montreal with my boyfriend who is a chef.We have eaten at most of the better restaurants in Montreal including those that belong to the Relais Des Chateaux.We are open to just about anything and are just looking for a few recomendations from people who have been and have a better idea as to what Barcelona has to offer.Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. thanks irene
  3. I will be going to Barcelona in September and looking for some recommendations. You're all probably thinking that I should read through all the comments, and I have and now I'm more confused then ever!!!!!!!! Please do not think I'm trying to take anything away from the recommendations and experiences everyone has posted, actually it's quite WONDERFUL!!!!!! (also read through Robert's El Gullet Guide to Barcelona, WOW!!!!). However I'm totally confused from the vast array of choices. I was thinking of going to Neichel, (I found it on the Relais & Chateau website) however I havent read much about it on the site, I'm open to any recommendations (as I am not familiar at all with restaurants in Barcelona. Would have loved to go to El Bulli, alas it's out of the way; I believe it's a couple of hours away from Barcelona) , unfortunately I have to narrow it down to one or two places, PLEASE HELP!!! Thanks Irene
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