Hi Deryn, i had run another FD test with only 2 trays of apples yesterday. In the vacuum/drying stage, the readings can reach up to 500 mtorr after 7 minutes the pumps starts and the goes back up again. Then after next cycle, the system can only reach minimum 580 mtorr (the next 5 cycles as i can remember), and after that in only reach 610/620 mtorr and goes up to 990/xxx mtorr (these cycles kept repeating). There is no vacuum leak as i can recall: no leak in the door seal (i checked that even the single paper cannot slip pass the seal before the drying stage begun), no leak in the vacuum in the hose, the vacuum drain had been closed, and most importantly there is no oil mist coming out of the oil demister. There is a different sound for the pump though. The first 10 minutes of running, the pump was in the constant hump, but it was far LESS noise compared to the rest of the cycle where there are a bit of the trickling sound sometimes. I opened up the case of the pump and turns out there are little bit of rust (2 bolts inside the cartridge were rusted) and water vapor. I don't know if this the main problem that my pump is not working properly to pull a deep vacuum.