I'm sure, a few years down the line, something more heavy duty will be in my future, but for the time being, I went with the fairly well-reviewed Breville. I can't say as though I'm particularly inspired by the experience of owning one thus far; if anything, it has more interior plastic pieces than did the KitchenAid. Despite marginal parts, aspects of its design look promising, though. Primarily, I wanted something that would puree soups, and it's supposed to do that well. It also has a no splash design and a non-stratching wand tip, should you use it on a non-stick surface. I do like not having to deal with hot soup splashing up onto my fingers when the wand tip slips up above the soup's surface. Still, it always seemed obvious to me that the suction action in these units was a primary reason why they pureed reasonably well. The Breville doesn't produce a suction effect because of its design. Anyway, I'll treat it somewhat gingerly and hope for the best (no immediate plans to use it to mash up garbanzo beans).