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    North Dakota
  1. Thanks Kerry! I spent hours searching and that is the only source I came up with also. Can't imagine there is only on source out there?!? I'll keep looking and hope someone else has ideas also. Thanks again!
  2. I'm looking for a source of No. 10 metal cans for storage of freeze dried foods. Any ideas on a source? Thanks!
  3. JimR - Thank you for taking the time to report your findings!!! It will definitely help with my FD choices!!!
  4. Great idea Mr Mike! I almost did "it" again yesterday also. A checklist will be posted on my machine too !!
  5. I did some sliced tomatoes earlier this week and then did 4 dozen raw eggs. Last week I freeze dried some apple sauce ( no sugar added) and found the results interesting. The flavor was very good. The crunch was acceptable (my grandson calls them apple crackers). However, the color was kind of a pinkish tan and did not look too appetizing! Next week I want to get a few meals done (stew and chili) for my guys who are leaving for hunting soon. So far that's it!
  6. Tattler has a small handy jar lid opener on their website that is pretty easy on their lids and on the metal lids also. I have several and have given them to my daughters that can and vacuum seal also. They offer it on their website shop.
  7. Hi all, I am new to this forum and freeze drying The nice guys at Harvest Right suggested this forum and i am thrilled to have read all of your posts and am amazed at the variety of foods you have freeze dried. Kelly- I am drooling over your beautiful chocolates!!! Mr. Mike - I agree 100% with your thinking on the purchase of this machine! Have had my machine for approx. 1 month and am loving it! I've done ice cream sandwiches, home raised eggs, lots of different kinds of fruits and vegetables. Because of the posts and pictures on this forum I am trying cheese and hamburger rice hot dish tonight. We raise our own beef also and want to try more of that too. A few years ago we were without electricity for 6 days during a nasty blizzard. Luckily we had a generator with plenty of fuel. Many people I know didn't and lost freezers full of food. Thanks so much for sharing all your info and pictures - I hope to be able to contribute in the future also!
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