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Posts posted by drdread

  1. I am NOT good at cooking Indian, although my wife and I eat plenty of it in restaurants and I have tried to learn how to make it at home several times over the years. We have decided to give it a go again, and I had a good run with saag paneer and chicken tikka masala last week.


    There is a flavor we both think of as "the Indian flavor," and I'm trying to figure out what it is. Before you tell me "garam masala," I'm pretty sure that's not it. I have approximately eleventy billion recipes for garam masala in my collection, plus about a dozen commercial variants, and the range of flavors from them is astonishing. It's hard to comprehend how you could make two things taste so different and yet call them by the same name.


    Anyway, I'm guessing the flavor is a single spice, because it is so distinct and recognizable. It's a very warm and earthy flavor.


    Can anyone tell me what this stuff is?





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