To paraphrase Adam: Never dine in an Edinburgh Restaurant . An eternal optimist, however, I ventured out to The Apartment earlier this week. Much lauded, much trendy (if you believe what you read), much sought after (packed on a Wednesday and when we booked we were told we could have our table only for 90 minutes). I've eaten far worse but I would describe the fare as 'cafe food'. Nearly everything I saw being eaten comprised brown meat, eg burger, kebab, sausage. Even scallops are coated in breadcrumbs (and cheese?) and grilled well brown. Perhaps I was looking for the wrong thing and perhaps I'm veering off the 'good dining' topic. I would second another poster's recommendation of the Peat Inn. At my wife's birthday last year we had the tasting menu there and I felt that every dish reflected thought, care and skill. I seem to remember the wine list being strong on the Rhone - which suits me. Unfortunately in that respect I was driving and had the opportunity only to taste a little of a Paul Jaboulet Aine (sp?) Cornas. Some of the best food I've had in the UK, in a very welcoming atmosphere. I think The Peat Inn was a strong influence on Nick Nairn's Braeval near Aberfoyle where I had excellent meals on two occasions. It's now closed, however, and I was relatively, only relatively mind, disappointed the one time I ate at Nairns in Glasgow. My wife has eaten/stayed at One Devonshire Gardens (or is it Place?) on business and was impressed.