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Everything posted by brownie

  1. brownie

    Two-tone Oreos

    That's frightening. And yet... I wonder how Oreos coated with Nutella would taste? my hormonal imbalance cure: homemade chocolate chip cookies slathered with 1/2" of whipped cream I concur: The Cookie of Evil is indeed frightening. Oh, and I call tell you how Oreos taste coated with Nutella. In a word, Dionysian . . . The chocolate-chip-cookie-slathered-with-a-half-of-whipped-cream idea is inspired; I shall try it when next my hormones run amok. With all this talk about oreos I ended up in the cookie aisle at the grocery store this morning. There is now a new box of fudgecovered Oreos in my refrigerator at this very moment. I wonder how long it will last??? Somehow I couldn't bring myself to try a new variety. Maybe next trip.
  2. brownie

    Two-tone Oreos

    The absolute best oreos are fudge-covered. Keep them in the fridge for a real treat. The box doesn't last too long in our house!
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