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Karen Resta

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Posts posted by Karen Resta

  1. I'm one of you who is here unexpectedly. It's been quite a while.


    I heard of Fat Guy's passing and was shocked, of course. He was too young, with too much left to offer the world.


    His actual age surprised me, really - for I thought of him as being older than I am . . .  as I was so often in the role of troublemaker and he in the role of managing the troublemakers. Too young for this to happen.


    At first I had no thought of checking at eGullet. But then, among other thoughts about who he'd 'been to me' following this news (for when a person who has *done* something, *been* something, passes on, if one doesn't have thoughts beyond 'so sad' then there's a certain depth lacking in the recipe) I realized that regardless of the fact he and I had never become boon companions (but rather, in ways, at separate poles on many things) that he'd left behind a net of things which had affected me . . . and 'affect' can be personal growth when taken up, tossed around, and stirred to simmering.


    He also gifted me with unexpected pleasures. I knew of his passing from one friend on facebook I met here at eG. Another friend on facebook whom I met at eG PM'd me to tell me of this thread.


    And there are other friends, relationships, memories, gifts of learning, acquaintances, knowledges, maybe even wisdoms - rich invisible gifts, spectacular really in their own forms - which would not have existed for me had Steven Shaw not done what he did with eG and been who he was as Steven Shaw.


    Condolences to his loved ones.


    We were all lucky to have had him here.


    Karen aka 'Carrot Top'

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