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Everything posted by wanderlust

  1. This question is as personal as "What's the Best Deli in New York". If you're staying at the Conrad, try the restaurant in the adjunct United Center. It's a massive Dim Sum establishment during the week day (Mon. - Sat in HKG) lunch hours, which ensure the freshness of the food. The food there was great and probably half the price of the Marriott's restaurant (In the basement of Pacific Place) Some of HKG's hotels have great Dim Sum. They are normally the ones catering more to Chinese. I persoanlly like Kwoloon hotel and Maxim hotel's east palace. I've tried Dim Sum at more upscale establishments (Island Shangri-la, Mandarin Oriental) and found them disappointing. For more about HKG food scene, try http://www.foodeasy.com Michael
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