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Posts posted by PureGuava

  1. Just an update on this one! I swapped my unit out (and ended up getting it replaced with a bundle that included a vac sealer for about $90 more).

    Tried eggs again, but this time elevated them by putting a few ceramic plates in the bottom of the bath.

    This time - perfection!

    The display on the unit exhibited the same behaviour (i.e temperature according to the display seemed to waver between 66 degrees and 61 degrees), but when I tested with an external thermometer, the unit seemed to keep a steady temperature of 63-64 degrees (I had it set to 63)

    Looking forward to trying some meat!

  2. Nope - no circulator. It indeed does seem like a slow cooker that's been jazzed up a little to mimic sous vide.

    Just wanted to point out that when I saw the temperatures in my post above being between 60 and 65, that's what displayed on the unit's LCD display. I will give it one more try this weekend and use a thermometer.

    Will also give Sunbeam a call to see what they say and report back here!

  3. No pad on the mu4000 :(

    I tried cooking eggs over the weekend. Set the temperature for 63 degrees. It's supposed to beep to let you know when the temperature has been reached. Noticed that when I checked the temperature after it beeped, it was at 66 degrees. Checked a few more times during the cooking time and got values varying between 60 degrees and 65 degrees. After jut over an hour, eggs came out more like 64/65 degree. Yolk was a sphere, very creamy but not runny at all.

    I think at this point I might have to take it back and wait until they've ironed out the kinks!

  4. Hello!

    New to these forums, but wanted to add that I just bought this machine over the weekend. Have used it once, but it was a disaster as I failed to read the instruction manual! (you need to press Start once to get the machine heating, and Start again if you want to start the timer...I only pressed it once and a 3 hour cook turned into an 11 hour cook).

    From that one use, I found it quite easy to start. I haven't seen a SousVideSupreme in person, but from the pictures it looks like it has a bit of a heavy lid. The Sunbeam lid seems light and flimsy and I worry about heat dissipation as there is no seal.

    I left the machine on all day at 56 degrees C, but by the time I got home, the display read 54 degrees

    Looking forward to trying it again soon - I have egg-cooking plans on the weekend.

    Happy to answer any questions!

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