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Everything posted by chlorisnj

  1. Edible garden borders -- in a regular garden are both attractive and easy to handle. Keeps the bug population to a minium too. For years I had a large garden which had an alternating walkway border of Parsley and Chives. Not only did I have bloom but I was provided with an easy access to freshly cut additions to salads. Chive flowers are globes of lavender, which may be cut to decorate a platter or dried in a bouquet. They will return year after year if cut frequently and not allowed to go to seed, Pretty Pansies planted in the fall bloomed in the spring their blossoms a colorful salad addition. A light covering of salt hay helps with the wintering over. It is not always to confine an occasional onion,chive, or herb in a veggie garden row
  2. I use a prepared eggnog mix to which I add 1/3 of amount of alcohol. Add even amount of golden rum,bourbon, and cherry brandy. Chill over night. Whip cream , vanilla to taste, until stiff. Drop large dollops onto a cook sheet. Add stemmed cherry to each dollop. FreezeCill glass or silverl bowl in freezer Fo serve poor mixture into bowl and carefully float islands of cream. Sprinkle lighly with nutmeg.Mix will keep in refrigerator or 10 days. Whipped cream keeps dggnog chilled.
  3. to any amount of egg nog I have used 1/3 alcohol consisting of: cherry brandy. golden
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