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Everything posted by Snowpup

  1. It's okay. Not much worse than a large cast iron skillet. The CF will read the temperature from the button of the steel, so will be a little low, but consistent enough to compensate.
  2. Had anyone else tried using theirs as a precision griddle? My baking steel mini griddle 'fits' almost entirely inside the perimeter of the glass, with only a centimetre or so overhanging but not touching the surface at the corners. It's bliss to use.
  3. https://thecontrolfreak.breville.com/ recommends 140°C the same as it suggests for spices. However, https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0561/0929/files/CMC850_Temperature_Chart_original-rev-1.pdf suggests 160°C for nuts, vs 120-150°C for spices. (There is a centigrade version of this chart somewhere online.)
  4. Mine is running 5.27. I checked with David at Polyscience at the beginning of the year and there weren't any updates. if you really want to try. Speak to https://www.sousvidetools.com/ who are the Master Distributor for the UK and most of Europe.
  5. I've been using 205°C (about 400°F) for crepes today. Takes about 90 seconds a side. They are coming out beautifully, if I do say so myself.
  6. @Eric Srikandan Not to tempt you, but at the moment sousvidetools.com has dropped the price to £1020 (£850ex VAT)
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