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  1. Hello there! First of all, this is a fantastic article, and I was chuffed to read it when it came up in my google search. Second, I was wondering if you could give me a bit of help. My mom subscribed to The Pleasures of Cooking, and many of her favorite recipes came from there. However, the basement recently flooded and took her magazine archive as casualties. Since no enterprising adolescent has made a torrent of the magazines (probably because the came out before he/she was born) I haven't been able to find the recipes. She was planning to make the Scottish Broth (if that's what it was called - it might be "lamb broth") from Volume 4, #5, p27 (yes, she used it so much she even remembered the page number). If anyone has this issue, could you please give me the recipe? It would really make my mother's day. Thank you.
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