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Posts posted by prelude_prince

  1. Thank you for the suggestions. Hmmm... I guess maybe I'll change the plan a bit and hit up Geoffrey's for lunch then... Also forgot to mention that Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles is on my list as well! And a lil bit about myself;

    I travel back and forth from Vancouver, Canada, and Hong Kong. Both great places for food :D I love all cuisine, do not really have a preference... For drinks though, you could say I'm a sucker for trendy hip places with a spectacular ambience! Was in Vegas last month and went here...



    Any similar places for drinks in LA area?

  2. Hi all,

    Long time lurker and a food lover here. First post (yay).

    Anyways, I'm headed to LA for about 4 days in late February, planning to go to the following areas;

    Santa Monica


    Universal Studios


    Beverly Hills


    Only visited LA previously with tour/disneyland. Really don't know where the great food and drinks are! Right now, the only thing I have planned is (Thanks to some of the advice I've read on this forum):

    Lunch at Paul Getty Centre Restaurant

    Dinner at Geoffrey's in Malibu

    Please help make my LA Trip a memorable one :D Type of cuisine does not really matter... I also would like to find a nice bar/lounge for drinks, a nice hip/chill place at night if someone could help on that...

    Thank you very much in advance.

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